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The obsession I have with cute dogs

So there I was sitting at my desk looking at the internet on my phone. It was twitter... That's not actually blocked on my computer, so I just can't explain it.

But alas there it was, a post from the delightful Lexi, I'd link but you know, she constantly has stalker issues. Man, it was hard work getting on to that roster for my stalking Lex needs... oh... I just typed that.
umm.. hi!

So yeah, I was reading stuff from Lexi about her resisting the urge to pat the drug sniffing dog at the station.

Now, I've been wanting to write this post for awhile and that triggered my memory.

What's the etiquette for dogs?
My boss frequently brings in his dogs to the office. He has two chocolate brown poodles, one is like a tea cup so is tiny. They are both very, very cute.
I have no problem playing with said dogs because they are super cute and I know my boss.
Though, the other day while in fucking Maroubra, I saw someone walking their dog and it was a massive husky... A MASSIVE HUSKY! SO CUTE!
I just want to go and pat it and maybe steal it, but you know... I can generally resist that urge.

Then it comes to working dogs.
I don't think it's become apparent yet, but little dogs creep me out. Something about a dog fitting into a handbag is wrong. I totally just typed hangbad, which is hilarious and very wrong, but not the point.
Little dogs in handbags, what the hell world? What the hell!
So yeah, big dogs... Awesome!
Thus, seeing the workin' dogs?
Fricken awesome since guide dogs are generally Labradors and police dogs German Shepherds.... they have another name which takes out the word German, but I don't remember what.

There is a blind guy at the station in the morning sometimes and i see him with his guide dog. His dog never seems all happy and joyful, so I just want to pat it and play with it, but he is a working dog!

The worst case I ever had of wanting to play with a guide dog was when I was at mass one day helping out with music in Newcastle and there was a blind guy with a Black Lab sitting like directly in front of me. He'd like sit and laydown as well. Very cute.

Though, the drug sniffing dogs are the station are my favourite because German Shepherds! I think they are one of my favourite breeds of dogs.
So, obviously, my bag and I get sniffed and I pass, it's the whole drug free thing. This I almost feel should give me a pass to let me pat the dog, however, they are working and that would be weird.
I don't like it when people come into my place of work and just like stare at me. Sometimes I do get patted by my boss, but I imagine the same thing happens with the police dogs.
Man, that last part. Not a lie.

My rule when it comes to dogs is to resist the urge and unless they are in my general vicinity to leave them be. However, if some dog comes up to me all pat me! Give me attention, then all bets are off.

I think I might visit my brother's puppy...

In conclusion, I am going to have to spend more time at this website. LOLDogs... way better than lolcats.
That last post had no spellcheck through it...

How'd I go?

Yes, I don't believe in editting after posting. That's just how I roll.

The wrap up of State Mass

The day of all Antioch days has come and gone. Yes, State Mass.

Long ago, we decided and I don't even know who is part of that we is, I think it is Adam, Lexi, Davey and myself, and long ago it was declared it wasn't a real Antioch event until I hurt myself.
Which is strange, coz Lexi hurts herself just as much and generally worse.

Though, different issue.
So yesterday was state mass and I ended up with some quality, quality injuries.

1. The infamous foot injury. This one I know how I got! So at Renew, I hurt my foot playing soccer barefoot. It hurt for a while. It eventually went away and I adjusted with a slight hobble and played fake drums left footed. So all throughout yesterday, there was lots of jumping around. A lot of it mainly being over things such as walls and what not. All of that combined to leave me with one seriously sore foot.

2. Overzealous clapping. I'm not a seasoned Antioch clapper. I can't handle the clapping needed and so never developed a resistence so that clapping causes damage.
This was also state mass; in many situations I am the inappropriate clapper. It's not always inappropriate, but at State Mass particular, I'm for the CELEBRATION aspect! So I start the clapping a lot. I can clap really loudly.
It's a skill and I've started claps at very strange situations. Reminds me of my school days starting clapping at assemblies for very strange reasons.
Half of Toonie, Dapto and Engadine were the backseat bandits. We were at back, creating the noise.
This lead to Elyse's watch and clapping leaving a small cut on my wrist. I don't know if it's a cut. I'd say cut, it's deeper then a graze. Let's stick with cut.
Though, cut on my wrist isn't a good thing to say. It's like a centimetre and not very deep. Photos available on request.

3. Graze on my leg. I came prepared this year and wore shorts purely for the fake fountain (more on that later!) and so as a result, I had no buffer zone for my stacking it. So, I stacked it a few times. I can't even remember, once was at Putney and I hurt my knee, but I think the actual graze came from Maroubra Beach after seeing the giant Rubick's Cube. The steps didn't go down to the beach, so there was climbing to get back up.

4. Out of all my injuries I've had, this is the most consistant... My infamous mysterious shoulder injury.
I hurt my shoulder in year 12... MYSTERIOUSLY! I just woke up with a sore shoulder one day and it got worse and worse as the days progressed. That should injury has never really gone away. It comes and goes and it normally goes quick enough for me not to have done anything in the 5 years since I've left school.
What happened yesterday?
So after the interviews in the Fake Hyde Park Fountain concluded, I put my shoes back on and while doing so, over balanced and fell backwards on to the grass landing on my shoulder. It hurt for a little bit and then I got over it. Or you know, then it didn't so I carried on with my life and then came this morning and now.
My shoulder really hurts and I can't really move it properly. 'tis no good. It's rare for my stacking it pain to last the day after.

So that is Elyse's injury wrap up.
Thus proving State Mass- real Antioch event.

It brings me to another point, if Elyse hurting herself makes it a real Antioch event, does that then mean the more seriously she hurts herself the better that Antioch event is?
If that is the case then Renews- The Live Cross to Christ/Best Renews Ever really was the best renew ever and to that I say boo-yeah James, Boo-yeah! *fist bump*

And if James isn't reading this. A little dead in side that my fist goes un-bumped.

This brings me to the most epic of stories.
I have two consistents in my Antioch career. One- State Mass. My first State Mass I was an Antiocher of 2 weeks and was mocked on the train by the Glenmore Park kids for being part of Rooty Hill but been going every year since and then two- attempting to throw someone in the fountain at Hyde Park since. The first victim was on my first State Mass and was Dana. Very appropriate, don't ya think?
I've since attempted to throw many, many people in since. A few people have tried throwing me. Good times.
Only one person has ever gone in and that bitch deserved it. Hi Davey!
Last year, it was only Cardboard Adam, but you know, that totally counts, since Psuedo Davey also almost got thrown in.

So, this year's state mass, no where near Hyde Park, so I did the next best thing. I brought my own.
My trip started with a journey to Franklins to try and find a bucket. Oh and I found a bucket... and also got glue, electrical tape and a permanent marker. I was going to get some kind of horse to stick in the middle but I couldn't find one. I was then going to get a platypus from the City but it was a stuffed toy, which everyone knows isn't appropriate for a fountain.

So I did it. I brought my own.
Now lots have people have been in the fountain. Including me. I conducted interviews from it. This interviews are on camera... Just not my camera. Most of the fountain pictures Adam has, so I should get those at some stage.

I was asked how many inanimate objects I have that represent other things. The answer is only one and it's technically none, but that explaination will come later. Cardboard Adam was created and owned by actual Adam and while, I bought and created Pseudo Davey, is was always going to actual Davey since I owed her a frypan.

Now, I was wondering what I was going to do with Fake Hyde Park Fountain and when I walked in my Mum asked me not only did I find a horse for it, but also made claims of the bucket.
This marks the only time my mother has ever supported me in my crazy endevours. I think I should be scared.
My Dad was true to form, especially when I asked him to stop at Franklins to buy said bucket.

The Fake Hyde Park Fountain was a hit and the photos are awesome.

Now comes the aftermath. Lots of photos on Facebook.
Good times.

'til '10 (prounced " Oh ten") State Mass...
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