And to break the theme...

I think I may start off with some random thoughts.

1. Australia, please hire some commentators that know something about the Winter Olympics.

2. How do my glasses get so dirty and why am I incapable of cleaning them? Seriously, can someone answer it for me. It's really annoying and it brings me shame that Lex will be all "What did you do?"

3. Swing covers of rock songs may have won my favourite type of covers. Sorry, Ska.

4. Where did my sunglasses go?
I don't like this back up pair, which is why I stopped wearing them.

5. I miss Jose el Basso.

6. I think I can curl for Australia. I don't have an aim to make the Winter Olympics, just the Australian team to be all like "Yeah, I played for Australia. What up."

7. I would phrase it exactly like that.

8. Ordering things online should come with a confirmation email to save Deus Cake scenarios.

9. Deus is actually Latin for God. Or it might just be god. Oh, I should know this.

10. Deus ex Machina is a literary device meaning god from the machine, which is pretty much the magic bullet. It is a sign of very poor story telling and it is a term that if I'm feeling pretentious I'll pull it out when I continue my Buffy themed writings. I'm looking at you, Chosen.
Fuck you.

11. Seriously, what is the deal with my glasses?

12. There is a guy that I work with and my life aim to have his job. He is the guy that does our audio mixes. Yeah, my goal... To have his job.
He is currently running the audio control room in Vancouver for Foxtel's coverage or is it Nine's coverage?
Either way he is in Vancouver.

I have now decided that, out of all the things I want to work at, it's the Winter Olympics I want to work at the most.
Even though, it would be crazy stressful and what not, but come on, working at the Witner Olympics?
That shit is bananas! B-A-N-A-N-A-S!

13. Having goals and career aspirations is new and weird and I don't think I care much for it.

14. Maybe I should have put this into point form as opposed to numbering.

15. Apparently they are making a Lego Movie. I'm not sure how that will work, could be interesting.

16. I meant to mention more about the cake story, well, no, I just wanted to say that I can only spell two in English. What is two in Italian? Dues? No... hmmm...
I could Google it, but what do you think I do at work all day?

Yes, Google things.

And swear at the printer.

17. I get to teach someone how to use iMovie on Monday. I also happened to mention something about my own video projects I've editted on iMovie.

No! That is bad!
I don't think I want people I work with to see some of those videos.
No matter how hilarious I think they are.

18. I think I'm going to stop at 25, like that thing was going around Facebook ages ago, but you know, not about me because who wants to know about that?

19. I'm a Sagittarius.

20. I think it is hilarious the Norwegian Men's Curling Team's Pants have a Facebook fan page.
They are awesome pants, the fan page also includes a link if anyone wants to buy their own pair.

21. I actually was going to write something properly about the Winter Olympics.
That clearly worked out well.

22. I probably should clean my room.

23. And put up my Canadian flag, even though it is still cut from WYD.
The story of why it was cut was they thought it would affect my breathing or something. I don't really know, I was unconscious at the time and upon regaining conscious my first statement was "Where's my beret?" followed quickly by "Did they cut my flag?"

Apparently these aren't the questions I'm meant to ask. Who knew?

24. In jokes are the most awesome thing ever.

25. If I could be enlightening, there would be something awesome here, but alas, I'm too lazy to google things.

Good night.

Buffy Lore, what's with that?

My blog is going to very quickly become "Elyse's Rambling about Buffy" and I think I'll love it.

There was a bit of Twitter contraversay about my last post, from Mr Cheezy McWang who posted this:
@Superflyse Why is that my fault? PS I found a Buffy lore error in the rant so obscure I may be the only person who noticed. Go me!

And then it was on!

I know Mr McWang... who I'm never refering to as that again.
He hasn't even seen all of Buffy, he is working his way through it, but has asked me a number of the finer pointer questions.

It's cool, just how I roll, I know my Buffy trivia.. Except for what colour socks Buffy wears in Killed by Death as she leaves her hospital room to go after Der Kindestod. Stupid question!

Oh, sorry. That wasn't important.

But I was called out, my Buffy knowledge QUESTIONED, by what?

This is what came next:
"@Superflyse Willow didn't kill Warren. Bam."

One thing I will forever do is call bullshit on this one.
Yeah, they try and take that away in the comics that one.

Apparently, in the Season 8 comics, it is revealed in a shocking twist that Willow DID not kill Warren but in fact was save at the point on incineration by Amy.
You remember Amy, she appears in about 9 episodes. Witch, Bewitched Bothered and Bewildered, Gingerbread, Something Blue (HILARIOUS! Ok, Elizabeth Anne Allen, we are going to get you to come back, but you are only going to be in one scene, have no lines and be completely naked. You cool with that?), Smashed, Wrecked, Doublemeat Palace, and the Killer in Me.

Want to know why these things are important?
Because Amy is a tool to the plot!
She is a character plot device.
I love her so, she is my favourite plot device, but her character is very inconsistent.

Like Magic in the Buffyverse! What up!

The character development of Amy never made sense, and her reason for revenge with Willow in Season 7 is so messed up, but the power of Season 7 compared to Willow, the apparent greatest witch eva in the history of the world?
That just doesn't add up.

What also doesn't add up?
AMY DOESN'T KNOW WHO WARREN IS! Why would she save him from Willow?

More importantly, Willow flays Warren and then incinerates him, yeah, she does that. I think she's gonna notice and be pissed if her revenge isn't fulfilled.

She hunted him down and tortured him, you don't let the corpse of the dude you murder just get away with that.

Oh wait, the thing is, Warren isn't actually dead.
What the hell?
No seriously, what the hell?

The biggest mark as against this is that The First in Season Seven appears as Warren. ON MULTIPLE OCCASIONS! Lessons in the Big Bad line up at the end and then more notably in Conversations with Dead People to Andrew to convince good ol' Andy to kill Jonathon.

The First can ONLY appear as dead people, that's it's entire schtick.
Appearin' as dead people to fuck around with people. As seen in Amends, and then season seven.

If Warren isn't dead because of some kind of twist in the comics then it messes around with so much that happened in Season Seven.

Warren as the First was a MAJOR plot point, I personally think it was misdirected and could be used much more awesomely against Willow, but whatevs.

So that is the direct mistake of why the Warren not being dead is messed up.

The implication is that Willow is no longer a murderer. She didn't murder anyone, which kind of destroys her arc of season 7 of having to deal with that and deal with all the guilt that went with it.
I'm not saying they did it well, because Season Seven is a schmoozle, but it was still important.

I haven't read the comics, but I do know what happens in them.

They are not my cannon. They will never be my cannon because of that very reason.

My Buffy lore is the 7 Seasons that appeared on Television. There is a whole world of various comics and associated work, it doesn't mean a thing unless it was on the air.

That's my stance on Season 8 Comics, I call it "I call bullshit".

Hello Lover

Some days I need to watch something entirely fictional that I know will break my heart into tiny, tiny pieces.

There are two things that will do it so incredibly well, well that I think will, I haven't entirely tested the second one but the first that I know will do it incredibly well is Becoming. The Season Two finale of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Yes, I said "Becoming" because I mean the full episode. It is really the last part of Becoming part 2 that does it, but the entire double header is fantastic.

But before I get started allow me to explain some things.
Buffy is definitely, without a doubt my favourite TV show of all time. I know every episode and know a lot of quotes and trivia, I can quote it in my sleep.
That isn't a lie, I was once at a Buffy night and I was super tired and started to fall asleep on the lounge and as doing so I was talking along with the TV. It was School Hard, episode three of Season Two. The introduction of Spike. *shudder*.

I can go in a lot of depth about Buffy and I can and will identify the faults. I've yet to find a Buffy fan that has a problem with this, I know plenty of Firefly fans that seem to take great issue with it.

The Fanboys make me not like Firefly.
I'll probably write my issues with Firefly at a later stage and I'm sure it will get me plenty of abuse.
I've been told that my Firefly views would get me either killed, maimed or banned from a Geek Club.
Which, I find insulting to geeks because clearly talking about these details to a crazy degree is awesome! It's also fun with people that have opposing views.
Oh sorry... Firefly fans... They don't have that.

Anyway, where was I?

Becoming part 2 is the high point of Buffy.
Becoming part 1 is all set up, so it is a bit hard to judge, I like it enough, but all the pay off is in part two.
That being said, I love Angel flashback episodes... Except Amends coz that kind of sucks, but all the episodes that deal with Angel's past are awesome!
When they involve more Spike, not so awesome. I'm looking at you, Fool for Love and Why We Fight. Though, Fool for Love is more Spike's story and pales compared to Darla, which is the Angel episode that aired at the same time.

Ultimately, the biggest set up is my favourite scene in all of the Buffy, Angel and Firefly and that is the scene after Angel and Buffy fight in the cementary and lays the trap that brings the entire season full circle.
It's not always about Buffy and indeed, she does fall for it every time and in that moment Buffy gets the fucks out of there and runs to the library, but alas, she is too late.
That scene as Buffy runs through the hall way of Sunnydale High in Slow mo as the music plays, it is the Angel and Buffy theme which is called "Close Your Eyes", very apt, no?
With the voice over from Whistler and I'm not going to lie, I kind of love voice overs.
That and the voice over from Passion are some of the greatest lines ever.
Not so much in quoting, because I think one day if started quoting them, I'd get called a nutbag.

So, I'm going to block quote, because I can.
This is the Becoming part 1 Whistler Voice Over:
Bottom line is, even if you see 'em coming, you're not ready
for the big moments.
No one asks for their life to change, not really. But it
So what are we, helpless? Puppets? No. The big moments are
gonna come. You can't help that. It's what you do afterwards that
counts. That's when you find out who you are.

And the Passion Monologue.
This is actually broken up into three pieces in the episode.
"Passion. It lies in all of us. Sleeping ... waiting ... and though unwanted, unbidden, it will stir ... open its jaws and howl. It speaks to us ... guides us. Passion rules us all. And we obey. What other choice do we have?

Passion is the source of our finest moments. The joy of love ... the clarity of hatred ... the ecstasy of grief.

It hurts sometimes more than we can bear. If we could live without passion, maybe we'd know some kind of peace. But we would be hollow. Empty rooms, shuttered and dank. Without passion, we'd be truly dead.

I kind of wish I didn't love them so much, I have a way too deep association with them.

It is the passion that kind of makes things interesting.
I've been told far too often statements regarding passion in various things, it's generally in a work context that you've got to be passionate about it and I think it was thrown around at the meeting on Sunday.

I really don't think they'd appreciate me quoting that in the context of a Christian Youth Group. It would be kind of funny though.

The big moments are gonna come, nothing is gonna stop them, but it is what happens afterwards that counts.

I lost my train of thought somewhere.
I think it was when I was called downstairs for more or less a family meeting... which now makes that Whistler speech very appropriate.

I know it is a very big call to state that my favourite scene is the Buffy running down a hall, but it is beautifully shot, combined with the music and the voice over. Nothing can come close to that.

The thing that makes the big difference between this season of Buffy and what comes afterwards is that they weren't afraid to not go all the way out. No one was safe.

I watch Passion and EVERY Single Time, I think that Buffy is going to save Miss Calender or that Giles is, anything other than "This is where you get off", with the shot of Angel taking great glee in snapping the neck of Miss Calender.

In Becoming, Kendra dies and not a heroic death. Kendra doesn't save anyone, she dies, Giles is kidnapped and tortured, Willow is almost killed, Xander's arm is snapped and Cordy stands around until told to get out and runs for it- "not so brave".

The thing that is even better, much like in Season One when Buffy is prophesied to die, she does. They don't find a magic bullet that saves the day. She dies. It was written. She died. There was no twist, nothing to save her.
Xander brings her back, but not in time.

Becoming is the same, if Angel opens it, then only Angel can close the portal. Willow gets her spell in time, but it's not enough.
There was no magic bullet.
It was straight, He opens it, then he has to die.

After that, it doesn't happen any more.
In Season three- Faith survives. She's in a coma, but she survives.
Season four- no one is in any serious danger
Season five- Dawn HAS to die! If the portal opens, then she dies! Oh wait... no... It's ok, Buffy can die for her.
You try season 5, you try so hard, but got nothing.
Season 6- Tara dies, much controversy on the interwebs! Willow wants revenge... Kills Warren, wants more revenge tries to kill Andrew and Jonathon and then tries to destroy the world?
Wait... what?
But yes, unlike everyone else that has ever tried to destroy the world doesn't get killed in the end. Buffy doesn't even get to save the day.
Season 7, oh season 7. You cause so much heartache for my Buffy loving ways. So, so much heartache.
I've watched you in full once. I hate Chosen most of all.
Chosen recieves a lot of my ire.
Once again, Buffy doesn't save the day and her plan is STUPID!
However, not the place for that rant.
Xander should have died in Dirty Girls. He should have died instead of just getting his eye removed.
How much more fucking awesome would it be if Xander died and then the First used his form to taunt everyone.
Fucking awesome, but nope, not how they went through with it.

Basically, they tried for the shocking in later seasons, but nothing can compare to the unbridled shocking revelations that happened in season 2.
Season 2 is perfection.

Not technical perfection, there are a lot of holes and some of the one offs are pretty dodgy, but the entire emotion of the season?
I can't beat that.

Faith ending up at the Mayor's Door at the end of Consequences is nothing compared to Buffy coming to Angel's door during Innocence wondering what happened to her boyfriend. The "you were a pro" statement, way more shocking.

Angel returning to the Spike and Dru fold, changed the dynamics of that crew as well as the season, if not the entire show, way more then Faith's turn to the dark side.

I need to clarify.
I like Faith, I think she is pretty awesome. In Season 3 and definitely in Season Seven, when once she is back is a different ball game and it brings it up to a completely different level.
I love what Faith does in Season 3 to everyone, the not so stable aspect and all that kind of thing.

Faith and Buffy have the best fights of the entire series, from Revelations to Graduation Day part 1 and the epic This Years Girl fight where the entire Summers' House is a weapon. The only fight that comes close is the sword fight in Becoming part 2, no matter how obvious the stunt doubles are.

I lose my track way too easily when I talk about Buffy, too many tangents.

I'm trying to stick with purely Becoming part 2, but it's hard to do not in context with anything else.

So, I'll go back to the beginning.
The reason why the episode breaks my heart like no other?

It's the montage.
I lose it every time as soon as Sarah McLachlan's Fully of Grace starts up.
I actually have that song on my iPod, ok, I have a lot of music that has appeared on Buffy on my iPod but every time that song comes up, I just get the montage in my mind and lose it a little bit.

It's actually not the only time Sarah McLachlan is played in Buffy, she also has a song in Grave, the finale of Season 6, the song being "The Prayer of St Francis"
Which is the actual Prayer of St Francis of Assisi being sang, which a little weird now I think of it.
That montage just WISHES it was the Full of Grace version.

It is the imagery that goes with it.
Buffy won. She beat the bad guy... except, in the end he wasn't the bad guy because Plan A had worked. Willow worked the mojo, Angel got his soul, except too late. She still had to send him to hell.
Buffy walks home in the early dawn...
Sarah McLachlan continues...

If I could find the montage legally, I would link it.
It also features my favourite piece of Buffy clothing.
The Sad Overalls!

I forgot they were even the montage, which shocks me.
But Buffy watching her friends from afar and thinking that is the last she'll see of them.
Man, just man.

I have no words to describe the utter hopelessness.

One of the things that I have never noticed before my viewing today is Buffy's own resolve face.
Joyce gets a lot of crap on the interwebs for throwing out the "you leave here, don't expect to come back", which is the only card she has left.
Buffy has just laid everything on the table and explained the past 2 or 3 away and just dropped it and has to leave. She's just discovered that ultimately she has no power in the mother/daughter game EXCEPT for the threat of you leave, don't expect to come back.
And there is just this look when Buffy leaves that is very much a mentally preparing that she is going back, she leaves and Joyce regrets it there.

It's that look of resolution that I've never noticed, Willow points hers out, but no way as impressive as that one scene.

Then leaving the note and fleeing.

Talking about card metaphors... We have the ace in the hole of Spike.
I have no problem with Spike is Season 2. Well, other then a few inconsistencies, which were much more apparent over time.
The main one is in the first description of the books of Spike.
Spike has always been shown that he is way too impulsive and rash for torture, the whole railroad spike through the head?
Nah, I could never believe it. Thankfully, Fool For Love agrees with me on that one.

There was also a few times when he got away way too easily, but I do appreciate the survival instinct and the flight option, it was a nice change.

My issues with Spike come from his later appearances and generally back track, but he annoys me less.

I like the Spike ace in the hole, other then Buffy invites him in to her house and leaves him unaccompanied with Joyce. Still sworn enemy and hasn't done all that much for that kind of trust.
I'm thinking of the Darla incident in Angel... The episode Angel.

I particularly like the exchange "I hate you" "and I'm all you've got".

Spike was coming from a purely selfish point of view and not trying to be noble, but trying to save his own skin and get Dru back because he is a ponce trying to act tough to try and match up to the top dog.
Which is the most consistent portrayal of Spike there is.

The Spike rant in all it's glory will eventually come to a computer screen near you.

I think there is too much Buffy knowledge right there.

So, til next time,
I'm Elyse and that was my rant.

I will take requests on rants, especially if they are Buffy related.

What I wore to the Beach...

I have many things that make me UnAustralian. Number one on the list is that I hadn't been to the beach since 2004.

That actually changed in September, 2009 when I hung out for a little bit at Marbourbra Beach but I conveniently forget that.

So, yesterday I was up on the Central Coast for my friend's wedding and decided that I should go to the beach.

And after reading the wonderful Miss Addict's Blog, I decided to document my fashion stance on the day.


Now I have fulfilled my beach duties for another 5 years.

Australia, you are welcome.

At least I had one thing right...

We should be lucky, the last photo of me at the beach looks like this...

Way too pensive for any photo of me.

I'm actually pretty sure I'm wearing the same shorts in both those photos.
I love those shorts.

The hoodie was stolen from someone.

Quality, right?

The Problem with the Internet

I don't know how well known this is but I have some pretty awesome things in my room.

I have a poster of the London Tube, as in the map, a framed picture of the Cityrail network, 2 NYC subway station signs and a postcard of Flinders St Station on a wall.
I also have two nerf swords on the wall in the cross pattern as well as a poster from an event I had to put on when I was at uni.

I also have some signs that have been made for me.

But no matter how awesome these things are the thing that is on my wall that is TRULY awesome.

Sorry, 2009 Christmas photo and Buff Cooking Team photo with quotes on the frame is that I am a certified nerd.
Yes, on my wall I have a certificate that proclaims Elyse as a nerd.

It's pretty awesome.

So there we have it. Certified nerd, what up?

That really has nothing to do with anything.

I've made it quite clear I spend way too much time on the internet, but this is a little thing about My Life is Average.

MLIA has this BIG thing about the receiving the letter from Hogwarts on your 11th birthday.
I call bullshit on this!

HARRY got his letter on HIS 11th Birthday, which is just a coincident since his birthday is a month before school starts.

You know what really proves this point?
The second book when Ginny gets her letter at the same time as everyone else gets their letter about what books they need, which happened on Harry's Birthday and I'm sure if by freak chance Ginny and Harry had the same birthday it would have been mentioned in one of the seven books, especially since Harry is normally at the Weasley's around his birthday.

Seriously gang, for people who claim to be so hip with Harry Potter you think they'd be able to put this stuff together.

All throughout school my birthday was around the last day, not the last day but it was in the last week.

I don't go around going "oh, it's your birthday, is school going to end now?" No, because that is ridiculous.

If you are going to go around making ridiculous claims on the internet claiming to be Pop Culture's bitch make sure you are a knowledgeable Pop Culture's Bitch, because Pop Culture don't look too kindly to ignorance.

I feel better about that now.
Every time I read it, it makes me sad for these people.

This brings me to my next point is Twitter is doing horrible things to me.

I like to tell stories, normally stupid things that aren't of too much importance but kind of amusing and exciting to me.

I go to tell people the stories in real life and they are all "Yeah, I read that on Twitter".
Come on, man!

This has made me infinitely a less interesting person because I only have so many stories and they normally end up on twitter.

This is not going to end well, I wasn't that interesting to begin with!

Update on my Spike Rant: Have discussed the filming. Don't know when it will happen... If it will happen. My filming schedule is a little bit backed up at the moment.

Coming up next...

Brief preview of my next blog:

The Infamous Elyse Spike Rant...

Video Blog.
I'll talk to my camera man about it and see what I can get done.

I've had this rant with many people the most interesting person of note was a Priest who was a fan of Spike and his whole "redemption" thing.

If you want to ask some questions about my thoughts on Spike or you Buffy the Vampire Slayer in general, ask away and I'll include it.

My Life is Delicious.

There are 5 websites that I check daily.

1. Twitter
2. Facebook
3. Hotmail
4. FMylife
5. My Life is Average

I check them on my phone on the train on the way to work/uni/where ever I happen to be on the train too.

That's just part of my routine.

I kind of enjoy FML, not by massive amounts, most of the things are definitely in the "You Deserve it" category and some are just a "dude, you need a hug coz that shit sucks". I personally use as an example of a FML is "Today, I found out my boyfriend of four years in bed with my best friend. I had suspected for months that something was going on but she always denied it. They are getting married, she asked me to be a bridesmaid. FML".

For the record, that is made up, but if I find that on FML, I'll just nod knowingly.

It's when it just goes that one thing over the top that makes it gold, it is asking the bestie to be the bridesmaid that makes my fake story for me.

Then we have My Life is Average, which I find hilarious and constantly can make me laugh a little bit. Never on the outside due to the fact I'm on a train and it's best to avoid showing emotion.

The thing with MLIA, is that it started off making fun of FML. The early posts I find much more amusing, since ACTUALLY average.
Here are some good ones:
Today on my way to work I noticed the "low fuel" warning on the dashboard. I pulled over and got some gas. MLIA
Today I checked my PO box to see if that backpack I won on eBay had arrived yet. It hadn't. MLIA
Today was a day like most other days, except that I wore a flannel shirt I found under my bed. MLIA.
Today, I was driving in the rain. I turned my windshield wipers on. MLIA

And this is the one that kind of made the site for me:
Today, I realized that I am unemployed, live with my mother, play video games all day in my basement, and I am still a virgin. It's alright, I finish 9th grade next week. MLIA

This is the one I always use an example:
Today I had rice. I'm asian. MLIA

That one is a real MLIA.

These days MLIA has changed and is all fantastical things, I often doubt they really happen but then I remember the kind of things I do and my friends, then realise, totally could happen.

They are my websites, then one day, I was on a train. Such a new and different event for me, but I was on the way home from the City, when it occured to me that the main reason I go to the City was to go to Pancakes on the Rocks with my friends.
My life isn't average, my life is fucked, my life isn't awesome. MY LIFE IS DELICIOUS!

That's what started it all.
So now, whenever I tweet some good food stories, I end it with MLID.

Because, food is awesome.

Food is a big part of everyone's life, you know, helping us continue to live and all that, but food in itself is awesome.

When I want to catch up with my friends I always suggest going to dinner. There is always some kind of food involved.
My family doesn't give presents for birthdays, but will generally go out for dinner.

Food as a social medium is just awesome.
Food has a associations with so many things, but that is just the act of the meal.

Then there is the food itself. GOOD FOOD, is just unbelievable.
It's like walking into a house and you can smell dinner.
I love walking into the house when Mum is making spagehetti bolangese, which is my least favourite of the pastas, it smells just very good.

I use my Mum's example because she uses more garlic than Dad, and garlic cooking is one of the greatest smells ever.

Mmm... Garlic... Love it!
Roast lamb cooking is also a great smell.

Right now I am just having a montage about great food.

The great thing about food is that isn't just about the taste.

There is also the smell and sound.
The sound is obviously more a cooking process, but I love the sound of French Toast cooking.
The smell also great.

There is just a process.

It's not just one thing that can make the life delicious.
Some times events go to make food better.
Birthday cake is always better then regular cake.

The experience of food is what makes my life delicious.

From the pancakes that I have promised to make on twitter, to the long stack challenge that is regularly performed to the Vienna Schnitzel with just lemon and a fine beer to go with to that fancy dinner to celebrate various things.

Food has been made an enemy and it doesn't have to be. Food is our friend, there are limits of course, but that is a topic for another time.

My food stories have made my life delicious.
What makes your life delicious?

We have a facebook group. Join!
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