Coming back at ya...

I started this month on fire.

It was a serious problem...

That was a bad joke.

Now, anyway, I did start this month with thousands of blog posts and a dream to end April with more posts than any other month... or at least more posts than 2008.
I did that, or I think I did, I don't think 2008 had all that many posts to begin with but that's not the point.

Anyway, and then so I was on fire until time crept up with me and took me out and then mocked me with sickness.
Please refer to the vlog of delirium, which has been viewed as "Hilarious", I just wrote Elyse there, so you know Elyse and Hilarious totally interchangeable.
Tell your friends "Oh em gee... You are so totally Elyse". Don't say that to me though, because I'll look at you strangely and then ask if you are high because I am Elyse. What up?
Though, yeah, so I've slowed down due to the sickness and breakdown that appeared in the consequence of the sickness and exams. Yeah, I've had 7 exams in the past three days and needed to actually study.

Study takes time.
I really forgot how much time study takes.
That's a lie... I've never studied before, yeah, time consuming!

So, I'm currently at work... working hard as it was.
I have some plans for some blog posts in the future.

I can list them as:
*Elyse's Review of Glee
*What the hell is with the music of Glee? That has a larger rant attached.
*Snix Request: High School Music- What's up with that? (And Spoiler Alert: Not a fan)

That pretty much concludes my list at the moment.
I do take requests, I will rant on length about any topic.

Good times.
Next time, I'll write something properly.

If anyone is curious, my invoice for this week is dated the "30rd of April". Nice.

Side hugs... What's up with that?

Ok, so I'm back for round two of Today's blogging action.

Though, this is a real blog and I filmed the vlog last night, so it evens out!

Comments I have received are: "I can't believe you forgot who Mary was" and "You sound high".
It;s true, I forgot who Mary was, which leads me into this nice segue...

I feel awful that I forgot who Mary was since we are totes BFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF (spell check doesn't agreee, sorry McFly) and since she is my partner in crime video wise.

So, to make it up to her, next time I see here, I'll offer her a side hug.

It will look a little like this:

Yes, that is how excited she will be for some Side Hug action!
I actually wanted to edit in some speech bubbles there but have no idea how to. What's the Mac equivalent of Paint?

Anyway, so, I know I make fun of the Christian Side Hug a lot and quite frankly, for good reason.
Since I'm not against the frontal assault hug.

I'm not going to lie, I've front hugged a lot of people in my time, in churches, outside of churches, across the road from churches...
I am going to stop with that.

The thing with hugs, there are heaps of different types of hugs and hugs for all events.
Different people have different hugs.

For example, the "I'm getting out of your car" hug or as I call it the "Awkward Car Hug", it's awkward coz you just can't hug comfortably like that and it kind of is amusing.

That is my standard I'm getting out of your car hug, but some times something happens and it leads to the "I need you to get out of your car so I can hug you properly" hug.
That is generally the "I just said something I probably shouldn't have an feel really bad especially since on some level you know I'm right so now are super upset which adds to the badness and I feel a need to hug you because your upset and I feel bad and need you to realise I feel bad and wasn't trying to be mean" hug.

Then we have my favourite hugs of all kind.
The awkward man hug.
I have two favourite awkward man hug, the third one that is a contender was just way too awkward that I had to walk away from.

Number one: The Fender/Jacob Awkward Man Hug. Tall dude and not that tall dude hug... awkwardly... In front of the entire church as the exchange leaders crosses. There was the stall of "I don't really want to hug you, but I kind of have to since that's the tradition and I did just hug the female leader".
Awkward AND Hilarious!

Number Two of the most awkwardly hilarious man hugs:
The food court at Parramatta Westfields near the station when most things are closed. This really tall guy and quite short guy, obviously friends and one was going away.
So they are talking saying their farewells and it came to the hug, the short guy has gone in for the handshake and the tall guy has reached over for the hug and completely overlooking the handshake.

The height difference made that one since he has overpowered the handshaking guy.

So, there are different hugs for all different occasions our lives. Thus, we have need for the side hug.

Ok, I keep imagining the side hugging as one sided (As one person is doing the side hugging, the hugger and the huggee as I should put it)
So there are two versions of the side hug...
The Hugger/Huggee... This is clearly the person next to me is upset and I need to show some good vibes, thus the side hug.
The I have something in my hands and thus can't hug you back
The You clearly don't want to be part of this conversation and by being hugged you can't get away and I have you here trapped muwhahahaha side hug... This might by my go to form of Christian Side Hug.

Then there is mutual side hugging which is totally less fun.
It's basically used for photos and standing there in conversation coz otherwise you'd fall over.

I think I've just confused hugs and arms around people.

They are the same thing now.
Suck it up!

How much is Mary gonna kill me for putting that photo up?

A vlog about vlogs!

Ok, I've been meaning to do this one for a while.

I actually did a draft on Saturday night, not on my computer...

It's not a draft if it's a video, is it?

But whatevs, enjoy.
It's not as long as the Spike rant and I'm not sure what happens to the video half way through, but it still has audio, so I consider this a win.

The thing about Vlogs from Super Flyse on Vimeo.

Reckon I could get the Co-op tetris video up here?

I'm gonna go no, because even though I am still delirious, I'm pretty sure in my delirium I did something that I will regret.
Not now because dude, delirium!

Seriously, you people need to comment to give me more material!


It came to the realisation a little while ago, when I got sent one of those emails that are all "You know you are old when... "

And it occured to me, just how many people I know that are teachers.
No, not just studying to be teachers, but actual "why did they put you in front of a classroom because it didn't seem that long ago when you were 12".

Ok, that last part is a lie.
But if really hit home when I was in the car with one of my friends and we were talking about her classes, ok, it was more specifically how bad at writing her class was. Then it was like, dude, when did this happen?

I remember when you made fun of my for a year because our first conversation involved me swearing at you. It was a year later that she apologised because it was in fact, the SECOND question of the sharegroup, that I swore in.
The person who I rightfully declare stranger than me, but alas, in charge of corrupting the minds.

I don't remember how I old I was, but it was the point where I had more friends that were teachers then students and it was like, dude, I am old.
That being said, the stories of teachers are much more hilarious than students.

But that is just a bit of pretense for what this is about.
On Twitter I follow 1000 Awesome things and I love it, because of things like number 974 on the list.

High Tens.
And when thinking about it, it's like, yeah, High Tens ARE awesome!
The thing that makes it truly art, is this description:

First off, higher chance of looking stupid: You throw a high five up there and no one answers it, no problem. You just put your hand nonchalantly back in your pocket, scratch your head, or swipe it through the side of your hair, Fonzie-style. No one notices you covered it up and all is well. But you throw a high ten up there and you get left hanging? Well now you just look foolish — like you’re trying to get the wave started at your kid’s T-ball game or just airing out your pits.
I'm a big fan of the high five.
Love it!
I have one friend who I like high five all the time in conversation, Ok, it's McFly... Who we need to peer pressure into getting a blog so I can talk about her and shamelessly promote the blog. Come on bro, you know you want in on some of that action.

Now, McFly, loves to deny my high five action when she doesn't agree with the call. Yes, I have stood there with my hand out there waiting as she death stared my raised hand.
That happens surprisingly often...
I don't think that it helps that I go in knowing my high five won't be met with the high five action.

But the High Ten...

It is awesome! Because it is a much more satisying result.
The clap at the end?
Yeah, that is we just did something awesome and we need to celebrate.

Now, I can talk about the stuff in the book of awesome all the time, because it is a list of things that ARE awesome, but when you think of awesome things, they aren't the first thing that come to mind.

Yeah, I love a high ten moment, but it's not going to be something that when someone goes to me "Think of some awesome things in your life".

It's not on that list.
Then again, I got nothing for that list.
But it's not the point.

So, I was hanging on Twitter, as I so often do when I'm at work and umm... working hard.
For the record, I make a lot of dubs of stuff, so I generally have a dub on while I'm doing stuff at my desk so I'm able to multi task with the being on the internet.
You leave my justification out of this!

When I read today's awesome thing. That Teacher.

Nothing make me tears up more like inspiriational stories.
When I was in New York, I went to some sporting museum thing near Wall St... It might have been on Wall St.
They had a montage of something about how sporting teams bring people together and communities together. Something about the NFL team in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, as well as something about the wives of soliders in Iraq playing some kind of sport.
It was a montage! ABOUT BRINGING PEOPLE TOGETHER! Through sports!

It was then I discovered that I can't watch that stuff without tearing up.
It was inspirational! Montage!

Yeah, I'm pretty sure you can get me the most ridiculous montage and put some slow inspiring music with some interviews about how together people are and I'd lose it a little bit.

I get that feeling a lot when I read the Awesome thing, but the teacher thing was awesome because it had the email from the teacher going "hey, I think I taught you" and dude, that shit is awesome.

The everlasting memory I'll have of teachers is of my yr 11 and 12 English teacher, who made despise English in new and exciting ways.
I walked out of school convinced I could not write and that whatever I wrote was terrible, I still often think that but I've come to the conclusion, it's not actually true.
I think it came to the point when my boss asked me to write something for the show and I said "but I can't write, why would you get me to do that?" and he just said "who told you you couldn't write?"
And the answer is, I'm not sure, but it's a belief I picked up somewhere along the way and it's only been a recent thing where I've tried to break it.
It was pretty much last week where I realised just how wrong I was when it occured to me, I've never failed an assignment, I have a degree and I've never failed an assignment. I've also never proofread an assignment. As soon as I've finished writing, I print and hand out. The only times I've editted where on group assignments where I called the role of editor and even that, it was never my own work.
So I must do ok for that not to happen.

I have thought about school too much recently and I'm not entirely sure what.
I think it's that next week I'm going to dinner with my two school friends and it's weird.
The are the only two people I see that I went to school with and I see them every 3 to 6 months and it's also generally the three of us. Only thing is those two are total besties.
They know EVERY thing about each other's lives and I'm just there with my witty repoirte and sarcastic commentaries about the drama. My life has no direct drama, I just get caught in the peripheries of it.
That being said, I stopped organising stuff with them a long time ago and it's nice to know that even when things don't really fit and it won't be the same, that every now and then I get a message saying "let's go get dead cow" and it always features dead cow, just for me.
So, I'm conflicted with it.

I feel very odd discussing school stuff since it was so long ago, but I'm sure I'll get over it.

I'm not sure how tangent filled this was, for me, fairly light on.
Good times.

Stalking on the internet... What's up with that?

One of my favourite internet stories is the reason why I have protected tweets on Twitter.

Yeah, that's right, to stalk me on the internet, you've got to request it.
Suck it bitches!

Unless, you come here, where I have no idea who you are.

The internet, it was always about protecting the identity and don't give out credit card numbers or anything like that. I don't really remember, so here, have my credit card number. It's 8699498922 41918.

In case, for some reason you don't realise, that is not my credit card number. Also, IF it was, you actually need more information than that to be able to use it.

So, apologies who for those who were going to attempt some credit card fraud.

I'm all for the internet privacy thing and not getting a whole stalker thing happening, because if you actually sat through my Spike rant, you would have realised that one of the biggest issues I have with him is I find his stalking really, really creepy and he should have been staked on that factor alone.

But this is internet stalking, internet stalking isn't standing outside someone's window hoping to catch a glimpse of them or just watching them sleep or whatever stalkers do.
The internet stalking is completely different.

Look at Facebook, so many people have open profiles. You can learn a whole bunch about people's lives.
From photos, from status updates, from comments on walls, to their captain's plank information... I use Pirate Facebook, I don't know what the equivalent is on the normal version.

I've found out that a whole bunch of people I went to school with have gotten married recently, and from that just how many of the people I went to school with still hang out together. Which, I mainly just find odd, but maybe that's because I have nothing to do with my school friends except for the occasional facebook stalk but that's a different story.

These are people that I'm pretty sure if I saw in the street, I wouldn't talk to. There may be that look of recognition and then keep on walking because I don't want to talk to those people. I hate small talk, really hate it and am super bad at it. Oh, the stories I have about that.

But, I give these people some kind of permission into my life. My photos are open to my friends on Facebook. My friends on Facebook are not my friends in real life.
They can look at my photos and see an album full of weird things and not understand the in joke behind it and just how that list was built and how I wasn't involved, nor allowed to see it until it was read out to me upon my farewell.

The reason it got finished is because it was declared impossible and I accepted that challenge.

So, we have facebook.
And there's twitter.

I use my Twitter a lot.
Some of my friends use Twitter.
We communicate on Twitter... a lot...
They quote me on there, even more.

You know, I do have a Facebook group entitled "The Elyse List" dedicated purely for the random stuff I have been known to say, so I think if you are fan of my random statements, you need to join it.
I was going to link, but Facebook is being weird, so from the boards over there are some of the classics:

*Its not medical attention if your copping a feel
*I expect this would be what i was like if i was drunk
*When I am ruler of the world, you will regret this list.

The List was developed at uni, before Twitter when young Christopher realised I say some hilarious stuff.

Just for the record, the "It's not Medical attention, if you're copping a feel" was actually being said while I was receiving medical attention.

Anyway, that's just some shameless self promotion.

I have this blog as well, and it started off very different to what it is now.
I don't know, but I like having this little place on the internet where I can kind of write and not have any expectations of what is being written or whether it mattered that it didn't fit in what is the "normal".
Then those expectations came, they came from me.

I can pin point when the Twitter expectations came and I realised, wait, shit people read this, and not just the people that I don't mind read some of the things and realised that, I'd no longer be able that person. Or at least the person that I enjoy pretending to be, because then Twitter, all of a sudden it was different. Like Facebook, it then became different.

I joined Facebook, because my Forum people decided to make a Facebook group, I don't remember why.
I think so some things that could be discussed in depth without getting moderators sent to attack.
Then the people, who I don't talk about and don't really care about came along. And it was different.

I guess it's just the nature of change.
I don't care much for it.

I'm worried about how many things are going to change in the aftermath of the last couple of weeks.
I'm pretty sure some of them I actually have a say in it.

Who am I kidding?
I won't have a say in it.
I let myself be powerless and why would this time be any different?

Nothing lasts forever.

A note from those running the show...

No, it's still me.

I find new ways of procrasinating...

I've updated a whole bunch of things, the most obvious is that now I have a new template so it's looking different.

Looking any better?

The other thing I've just fixed up some tags. My favourite tag is "Fuck You Joss Whedon".
This mainly to go with the new post recommendations that are now at the bottom of the post, hopefully they'll work better now with tags.

I've updated some titles of old posts as well as fixed up some spelling.
Nothing too different just cleaned some stuff up.

Added some photos to a really old post.
If you have issues with those photos, let me know and I'll take them down.
It's the hat shopping post, if it helps.

Any questions or requests, let me know and I'll take them on board.

In her Admin hat

Strange places to be blogging from

Today, I'm coming at you from my lecture.

That's right, Introduction to Popular Culture.

I think that's the name of the subject. I'm clearly paying a lot of attention since I am now writing a blog.
Go team.

Well, we are currently doing hip hop and rap. I really hate Hip Hop and rap.
Right now we are doing the watching of YouTube videos of the international hip hop scene.
We've just gone from the rap version of "I Was Only 19" by the Herd.

Now just moved on to some French rap. Yes, French rap. They rap in French. It's kind of hilarious.

It goes on with my belief that no one can sound tough when speaking in French. Oh, they try and they try and sound angry but on of the lines was baguette which, delicious!
Now, I need to find a German song about bunnies and running in fields.

Today, I'm actually in the big hall. Big lecture hall!
It's called the JPH. I think of it as the NPH and it makes me laugh. Only calling it that.

For those playing along at home, that dude's girlf is back. She was in this lecture and she was in the one before.
Ok, maybe one day, one lecture, But come on!

I can't even make fun of you anymore, I just feel sad for her.

That being said, I had a discussion about how ridiculous it is going to someone else's lectures and then asked the dangerous question of "well, would you do it?" and the answer was pretty much yes.
So, if that happens, I'll be throwing an intervention party.

All are welcome to attend.

So, in this lecture, I've been thinking about the best ways to not pay attention. There is also the fine line of being a disturbance to others and I assure you, I know all about it.
In fact, I never got a report card sent home that didn't feature "Elyse is a disturbance to herself and others" and "Elyse would achieve better results if she could focus on the task at hand".

That being said, it was never an issue because my parents had 3 other children with the exact same comments. Names changed, obviously. And then mum got the same comments as well.
What a shocking result that my family is a distraction to itself and others.

In degree v1.0 the original, I ended up with a merry band of people to distract. I developed a UWS Monopoly board. It was pretty awesome.

That distracted others, just not as much as we thought considering someone was a little bit bitter that we didn't invite them to play.

In terms of not paying attention to lectures- Laptops are fair game, as long as sound is down. Talking... yeah, that's ok...
Getting out your guitar and/or bass in the middle of lecture?

I'm going to put that down as "what the fuck, seriously?"

It's weird man. Really weird.

That being said, yesterday I was googling things hoping to end up with here. Mainly some of the Christian Side Hug love, just trying to get on the front page of Google with the Christian Side Hug.
It was said, I wasn't?
Should I have talked about the Christian Side Hug lyrics more?
Should I have featured the actual Christian Side Hug video?
Am I trying to skew the results to end up with the Christian Side hug google page commetary to end up here instead?
Is it that obvious?

I am just trying to work out how many times I need to mention the Christian Side Hug lyrics or video or just general Christian side hugs to be able to do it?

Ok, I'll stop because it's in my head and it will never get out!

Nope, it's ok.
There's a dude in my lecture who I see and in my mind gets Gimme Gimme Gimme a Man after Midnight by Abba.
It makes me laugh.

Lecture over. Blog over.
Worth it?

Probably not.

Songs on repeat

I'm the type of person that quite often listens to the one song over and over and over again.
In fact, I know why I do this and it is up there with my three things I do most when things are not doing all that well. Well, I guess it depends on what song it is, but if we are generalising.

The other thing that tends to happen is that I have massive associations with songs and associate them with various people.

Right now I am struggling to think of an example, but I have associations and certain songs go in certain places and with certain things and that's just how it rolls.
Come to think of it, I've written about the placement of songs before and the heavy associations with them in terms of film and Television, clearly talking about Buffy.

The same thing applies to other people, if only because it's my goal to learn how to play "(Do you wanna date my) Avatar" on Guitar. The acoustic version, obviously.
Which is on YouTube somewhere.

I can kind of play it, but I'm not very good with the words.

Which gets me to this point.
I'm currently listening to the Bond Theme on repeat.

It's part of an assignment that I'm currently avoiding doing, but the funny thing is how I can fake this as researching, when I'm really just listening to the one song over and over again.

My ultimate aim is to stop it from making me want to walk into a room and shoot the camera, because that would hurt my camera, and I'm not wearing a suit.

That and there is clearly not enough room in my room to pull it off as successfully as I want, so alas, not attempts to get me to try and make my own Bond credits.

That and I'd need to think of the title of what movie, I'd be in and that's just not where I'm creative.

Basically, this song is going to get in my head and I'm going to be starting walking strangely and then shooting people.

We can only hope that I manage to get a license to kill and am not arrested and horribly tortured trying to reveal my spy contacts.
Where would I apply to get a license to kill?
Do I need to talk to Gladys Knight?

That is quite possibly the worst attempt I could ever make at trying to be funny.

Maybe I should just move on, write this 600 words about the texture of the Bond Theme, so I can stop listening to it.

Dear the Monty Norman Orchestra,

Please don't die in my brain.


Helping out my Googlers 2- This Time It's Personal

I've been keeping my eye out on my visitors to the site to a handy feature on Google and the best thing about this is let's me know how people get to my site and some people stumble on here from Google.

I think this also means I should give a shout to all those people who have stumbled here, without me making you. You people are super awesome. Especially the Dutch person

Yes, it is my favourite segment EVER! As it first appeared here.

Google has lead you here, and now I will answer your questions.

1. Buffy Lore.

Yes, I know a lot about that.
I can answer most questions, since Buffy Lore is my most searched option, which totally awesome.
You should ask more specific questions.

But I'll go with the obvious.

In every generation there is a Chosen One. She alone will stand against
the vampires, the demons and the forces of darkness. She is the Slayer.

She was Buffy, a mighty warrior forged in the heat of battle, her courage will save the world. A lot.

But Buffy, she was different, she had a soul now. Ok, she always had a soul, that was just my own little joke.
Anyway, she didn't fight the vampirtes, the demons and the forces of darkness alone. She had a motley crew of people behind her, who basically kept her alive and what made her different from the other slayers of the vampyres.

Thus, we have Buffy.
It's awesome, you should all love it. Buffy. Woo.

2. Elyse evers.
Do I ever what?

Ramble? Yes.
Rant? Yes.
Shut up? Only when I'm asleep and that's only some times.

3. Elyse rambling passion.

Why yes, this Elyse does have a passion for rambling. Thanks for noticing.

4. James Marsters.

He played Spike on Buffy. I hate Spike, I don't hate James Marsters.

5. Literal Songs.
Do people search for this a lot because pretty sure I answered this one last time.
So, I'll just pimp my link again.

6. Prayer of St Francis of Assisi Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Well, let us first start off with St Francis of Assisi.
St Francis of Assisi is the patron saint of animals, the environment and Italy, he started an order of priests who are the friars.

The prayer is attributed to him, but very doubtful he actually wrote it since it can only be traced back to 1912 with a version in French, when the dude was Italian.

Either way, here's the actual prayer:

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace;
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon:
where there is doubt, faith ;
where there is despair, hope
where there is darkness, light
where there is sadness, joy
O divine Master,
grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
to be understood, as to understand;
to be loved, as to love;
for it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life.


Now, what does that have to do with Buffy the Vampire Slayer?
Sarah McLachlan, oh, Sarah McLachlan, who breaks my heart into tiny, tiny pieces.

She has a version of this, sung... Obviously.
It is used at the end of Grave, the finale of Season 6.
After Xander talks down Willow and Willow breaks down in his arms, cue Sarah McLachlan with Prayer of St Francis.

It was trying to create the pure heartbreak that Sarah McLachlan is instrumental in playing Becoming Part 2. Oh... That is why it directed it there. I've written that rant before.

Sarah McLachlan, why? Just why?

7. What happened to my weekend?

That's a good question.
Did you look behind the couch?

Or did you weekend go up in a haze of alcohol fuelled Buffy Marathon? Coz not a bad way to spend weekend.

Things that tend to happen to me: Oh! YouTube video... Oh! Related links... 12 hours later... OOOHHH!! RELATED LINKS!

"hey, we should hang out" - 24 hours of random conversation, threats of violence and the funnier conversation happening while sober.

Co-op tetris.

But googler, I can only hope you can find your weekend and that my tips and tricks have helped.

'til next time Googlers, you keep on googling.


Gimme that Christian Side Hug...

I like to think I'm a fairly hip person... Oh ho ho...

I'm totally not, but either way, a long time ago and by long time ago I mean November for the wonderful Miss Addict's Birthday last year. I'm totally sucking up because she is currently sitting on my left.

Just for the record, she does know I'm here so I'm not one of her stalkers.

But upon this day, we had pancakes and she informed me of the greatest video ever.

That's right, the Christian Side Hug.

Today, it's particular reference because today is Good Friday and I think Good Friday is a loss to Team Jesus, but he shall rise again on Sunday and thus Jesus created the Three Day Rule.

Actually, that has nothing to do with it, that line just made me laugh.

Anyway, so the Christian Side Hug.

When I first saw this I was convinced it was a parody but upon discussion and looking at it. No, these people are serious.

Totally serious!

And that is disturbing because it is saying that Christian's shouldn't front hug.
Now, I go to church every now and then, I'm also part of a Christian youth group and bro, we are all about the front hugging!

The thing I find most offensive about this is the fact that it is claiming that a hug is sexual. And as a result ALL hugs must be sexual.

This video condones violence, there is a line about how if you go front huggin' one of the dudes then he'll call your mama and you'll go home in a coma.

So, front hugging is wrong but beating your friend/girlf/child so much that they are going to end up on a coma.

What the fuck?
Front hugging, not ok, but violence totally ok. In fact condoned.

The thing that bothers me most in that is the line about how Jesus wouldn't condone front hugging, no pretty sure he wouldn't condone the violence but would be all about the hugs.

Now, then it comes a question that I've never considered, is the front hugging problem occurs when it is between a man and a woman or are same gender front hugs ok?

Or do these rappers find some girl on girl front hugging really hot. Can you imagine them telling all their crazy Christian friends "Oh em gee! The is totally two girls front hugging right now! Fucking hot, dude!"

Now, of course, guys can't front hug because apparently that is weird.
Which leads to the awkward man hug, which is my favourite hug of all time.

Sorry, I went to a good place of the hilarity of some of my favourite awkward man hugs of all time.

Let's go back to the video.
Gimme that Christian Side hug, that Christian Side hug, I'm a rough rider, filled up with Christ's love.

Rough Rider?
One, that is a brand of condom in the States.
Which gives a hilarious image... disturbing yes, but kind of hilarious.
Now, if we ignore that and keep with the hugging bad but violence yes.

What the hell?

No front hugs and kissing...
I think this goes back to my own issue of why do front hugs HAVE to be sexual?
What the fuck is wrong with you if you think that.

I just can't get over that, come on dude, if you are making a big deal out of it, you have much bigger issues then I think I can help you with.

I do a Christian side hug, I do the Christian side hug, when I am sitting next to someone who is clearly upset and then you need to some christian side hug, some Christian side hug.

So, front hugs are inappropriate.
I've learnt a lot from this video.

Next time I see you people, remember, you ain't no rabbi, you ain't no priest, so rise up off me like something with yeast.

Now, I've realised I've front hugged... IN A CHURCH...
I've sinned, I'm sorry Jesus.

I do take requests...

I was just talking to the very infamous Mar(t)y McFly, who apparently is thinking about getting a blog, so peer pressure her for that so I can link her.

I've been told that I talk about Buffy too much and as someone who isn't interested in Buffy, which I plan to fix at some stage, but I shouldn't put that on the internet.

Thus, I have a non-Buffy/Joss Whedon post.

This is a warning, that if you have a topic you want me to write about, leave it in the comments.

This request comes from something I've been twittering about a lot.

As I'm sure I've mentioned, I recently started degree v2.0- this time it's personal and I mentioned many, many posts ago was that I had orientation first. Funny that.

At orientation, I saw this guy and girl canoodling in the room where the audio kids had assembled and I thought "A classroom full of people is not really a place to canoodle" and then promptly forgot about it until last week.

When, I was sitting in my Audio Tech lecture and saw the dude sitting next to his girlf.

And now I know that the audio tech lecture? Hot place for a date!

Now, Audio Tech... Does this sound like an interesting subject, readers?
It is, but I'm an Audio Student!
This subject is about the theory of sound, it's all physics and what not.

The other thing to remember is that my place of learning is in the middle of the City. THE MIDDLE OF THE CITY!
The lecture goes for two hours.

Come on Girlf! You could wander around the city for two hours or maybe sit down, grab a coffee, read a book or maybe, the best couple time is sitting next to your boyf as he pays attention and takes not. Yeah, sweet hot learning love right there.

Now, I thought maybe she was leaving the country or I don't know, I just thought it was weird she was in the lecture.

But no, it got worse.
That was a lecture, it's a small class but there is not interacting.

The next class was a tute. It was a Digi Tech tute, which is sitting and playing on computers to create a mix. This class you don't talk to anyone, you can actually go the entire hour and not to talk to anyone, because it's just the computer and the headphones.
There's no interaction.

Nope. The Girlf was there.
Even better couple time, just sitting there watching the boyf work on his mix. It's a mixing project too, there's no time to talk to anyone otherwise, boom! FAIL!
Well, not that dramatic, but there are only 4 one hour sessions to work on it.

I just can't get over it.
Why would you go to another person's lectures? I hardly want to go to them and I'm doing the subject.
I'm just lazy that way.

It's not like you can talk, at best you can whisper rudely and quite possibly end up with an injury caused by a pen or a chair or hold hands and awkwardly type notes with one hand.

I just don't get the point!
It's called a book! INVEST IN IT!
If not a book, maybe some music, or a fucking nap!

That was last week, I had forgotten about this, until today when I was late to my class, refer to the lazy thing, and kind of running past the place that smells like coffee that I can't stay too long otherwise bad things happen. I don't like the smell of coffee, it makes me nauseous, and there was the dude... with his Girlf.

The most interesting thing to note, this dude shares a lot of the same classes with me... His name is Andy, which I didn't think was fair to use, since I don't know his girlf's name.
Oh... right that point, so in the Place of Coffee at uni, there I saw Andy and his Girlf...
I was late to class and he was just loitering with his girlf?

What the hell?

I guess it is more couple-y time then the middle of a lecture, but why would you miss a tute when you are clearly there for it to hang out with your girlf?

And then she was in the Lecture again.

I don't remember about the digi tech tute, since I was working on my mix and every much in my own little world.

Then it comes down to who brings their significant other to their place of learning?
Like lectures and stuff?

That being said, I saw it happen once when I was out at UWS Hawkesbury, but I think he was dragged along with a purpose and it's Hawkesbury Campus, there's nothing interesting about.

But school right in the middle of the city?
There is plenty of stuff to waste 2 hours there!

There is only one lesson I've learnt in all of this, I need to find me a hot date for my audio tech lecture next week.

Anyone free next Thursday at 11?
For some hot Audio Tech Action...

Today we talked about Microphone pre-amps, next week I think we are going through the mid-semester exam.

Man, that action.
That is so hot, it can burn your retinas just thinking about it.

Better watch out for those fire exits in the room!

But what about Firefly?

For regulars or anyone that has ever talked to me, I'm a massive Buffy fan.

I'm the go to Buffy knowledge person, I can tell you many things, many, many things. I'm a pretty big Angel fan as well.

My opinion changes frequently on which one I prefer, and it depends of timing. The biggest advantage of Angel is that features Cordy and doesn't feature Spike. Please refer to my previous posts about my feelings on Spike (or recapped "What the fuck? Seriously?").

So, I laugh at anyone that dear question my Buffy cred, but then we get to Firefly.

Apparently Firefly is the go to thing. I've gotten into many arguments about Firefly and my dislike of it. Yeah, that's right, I do not like Firefly.
Try and convince me that it's the greatest thing ever and I say you're fucked and hate it a little bit more.

This never became more apparent that one day when I was at the Friday night LAN night I go to every now and then, and there was a new dude who went to uni with one of the regulars. But new dude, new dude was a Fanboy and as a result of that conversation next time I saw New Dude he is all like "so there's the Firefly hater".
New Dude, fuck you, and take my pamphelet of my new campaign for world peace and stop being a douche.

Not only did New Dude not respect my dislike of Firefly but this somehow took away from my nerd cred and was all like "You'd be destroyed if you met (someone whose name I don't remember)".
Once again, fuck you.

Yes, I don't like Firefly and it went for 14 episodes and was canceled with 4 of those episodes not going to air, so, I'm not the only person that didn't like it.

But my main issue with Firefly is the fucking fanboys like New Dude mentioned above. Seriously? That is what is taking away from my Nerd Cred. I've seen every episode and know enough about it to get by, I own the DVD and have spread the DVD love around and that's not counting everything else?
Yeah, well, whatever.

The Fanboys that insistent it is the greatest piece of Television ever, guess what guys. It's not.
14 episodes. They are not good odds, though, if you manage to truly fuck up in 14 episodes then wow, no words for that.
I've gotten into the conversation many times "how can you call yourself a Joss Whedon fan if you don't like Firefly?"

Well, for starters, I don't.
That guy is a douche. All his fanboys are douches.

I point to Season 6 and 7 of Buffy as this, Season 6 in particular.
Season is considered by the Buffy fans I speak to as a whole bunch of crap. The particular issues- The lack of commitment into Willow going from the power of magic corrupting to a drug metaphor (the change happens in Smashed) which provides a nice little cop out for the evil of Willow, the inconsistency of Spike (evil/Best.Boyfriend.Ever/Buffy's confidante/whatever) resulting in the almost rape in Seeing Red, Giles shodding reason for leaving and then the adding of Amber Benson being added to the credits upon the episode which Tara is murdered. I think the Spike getting a soul also a major issue.

The killing Tara created lots of fan backlash, especially from the gay and lesbian community who loved them some Tara and Willow action, in especially the way she died and then Willow tries to kill the world, which fits into some kind of stereotype of dead/evil lesbians. I'm not sure about that so Enjoy this link about some of that Backlash... It's interesting.

Anyway, these things are not apparently the responsibility of Joss Whedon, oh no, these developments are at the fault of Marti Noxon, who was a writer on the show since season 2 but became the showrunner and executive producer is Season 6.
Yes, all these developments are her fault.
Which, bullshit. Joss would of had to sign off on them and most of the developments are heavily featured if not start in episode of Season 6 that Joss Whedon wrote- Once More with Feeling.

So, I call bullshit.
And Fuck you Joss Whedon, he is not my master.

But back to Firefly.
The problem with Firefly is that it starts off with 9 cast members. So, there are 9 main characters that are all introduced at the same time and as a result some characters are going to be mariginalised.
Shepard Book is my prime example of this, mainly, what the fuck is the deal with Shepard Book?
And don't give me this "They are making a comic about Shepard Book that will be released soon" because that is a cop out. It's been 6 years it ended and they had a movie and what happened?
They killed him in a scene that was completely just to propell Captain Mal into Reaver territory and that's not the fact that in the scene prior to that Captain Mal coming to Book for some kind of advice or whatever, which never fit into what happened in the series.

Plus, I don't think there was a scene in Serenity (the movie, not the episode) with Jayne and Book, who tended to do a lot of stuff together in the series.

The things of the movie and series are annoying.
The movie sucked, but then again, I hate River.
Especially the end that since River is no longer crazy she is just fucking awesome at everything. Fuck you, River.

Don't get me wrong, I like the cast. I think the cast is awesome and makes up for the lack of incoherent plot or at least things that don't make sense for a series that takes place in space.

Basically, I don't like it and many of the things just do not make sense.

I haven't watched it enough to be able to go through and make detailed lists of why I don't like Firefly.

But it's the fanboys who tell me it is the greatest thing ever that piss me off the most and convinced me for a long time to never give it a chance.

And for the love of god, Shut up, River!
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