Yes, you're right... Fuck your life.

I have some love for the FML website...
Oh, you didn't know it was a website?

Well, it is.
It is a website where people write in short stories of which the only response can be "Fuck my life" or in the more work appropriate environment "FML". Just for the record, I clearly am not a work appropriate environment.
Except maybe my work...

That's not the point, so I love the FML website, it makes me laugh heartily sometimes. I prefer the ones where the person who wrote it so totally deserved the outcome.
Yeah, this makes me a horrible person, but you know what, so are so many other people.
This is why they get submitted so some random person on the other side of the world can laugh at their misfortune.

I've written about this before... I just would need to find it and I have capped internet. FML.

Anyway, then suddenly the FML phenomena left the confines of the website and suddenly people put it in their Facebook status... And then the ultimate disgrace. Say it in real life.
I have this thing against people who say internet acronyms in the real world. You know those people who "lol"... you know we have a thing for that in the real life. It's called laughing... OUT LOUD, you motherfucker.
Sorry, I do have anger about this.
Those people need to be slapped and then people should lol about it... by laughing out loud.

So, FML... I heard people use it on the train, Miss Addict (enjoy your shameless plug! And I got the link right first go... Take that! ) also heard it used and tweeted it.

It is not something that I can stand for.
Especially with some of the things that people FML at.

"Today, I had an exam. FML." You want to get an education, these things require exams. You don't want exams, drop out of uni and get a job. "Today, my boss wanted me to actually work. FML",

These people need to harden up, princesses. These are not things that require your life being fucked.
I had 6 exams in three days at the end of last semester. Did I make a Facebook status about it?
Did I say FML about it at all?
No, I accepted that as part of the insanity that is my degree, that I get crazy shit like 6 exams in three days. I sucked it up, did my fucking exams and moved on my life.
Was it hard?
You bet, but whinging is not going to change a thing.

I understand that right now I'm bitching about it, so I am aware of the hyprociy, so it makes me feel better.

But this brings me to my point.
I've decided to fight back and each time that I read on someone's Facebook FML, I will then create a scenario that is so much epically worse, that you will appriecate the challenge that life has thrown at you, over come it and go, no life... FUCK YOU.

So, that is my pledge. That being said, I have some standards, somethings I simply can not be a smartarse about. I have examples, but don't really want to use them. 
As a ranter, if it happens on Twitter, I'll direct you here.

In honour of what I have dubbed the "KT System" since I've done it more than once in her Facebook statuses. Statuii?

Today. Today, I fight back. Take THAT, internet!

The numbers game

Yes, this is my third post for the night.

This is the first post I've actually started writing tonight.

It's my 41st post of the year and the 13th post of May.

These numbers only mean something to me.
I've written more this month than I wrote in 2008 and one would think I would have gone hardcore with my writing when I first started the blog.
Come to think of it, I can't even remember the why I started the blog.

Damn, can't even go to my regular scapegoat of Teen Angst.
Teen angst, that was a while ago...

So far in 2010, I have written more than I did in 2009, give me another post and it will be equal with '09 and '08 combined.
May, 2010 is the one I have written the most posts for.
Good times.

These are interesting numbers.
They fascinate me, but I'm the one that likes the numbers and I look for patterns.
My blog writing pattern is lots at the begining of the month and then stop.
Then again, I have lots of drafts at the moment, most of which won't get published since they are just justifications of stupid behaviour and justifications are bullshit and will annoy me so much more if I publish them.
So, sorry world. In the vault...
Unless you hack my account...

Which, don't.

Thus, numbers, lots of numbers.

I could do a word count, but I think it will make the internet explode.
It would be high, let's just leave it at that.

I lost track of what I was writing about some time ago...
I think I need to find some topics.
Give me some topics!
Seriously, I'll write about whatever!

Aren't you curious to find out what I'd do with a serious world issue?

That being said, I am looking forward to the 2nd of June when I write my favourite segment ever!
That's right... The June edition of the Inadvertly Ask Elyse!
I have some good ones.

I think I have an obsession with hugging...
But it will be exciting!

Seriously need to make that video.
Does anyone want to be in my video about hugging?

And that's how Elyse got involved in making Pornography for the Hardcore Christians...

Stupid questions.

Yesterday, I was on a quest.

I had to find a book that I planned to give to a friend of mine, I had originally planned to buy it from the internet but discovered I could indeed buy it in Australia. No, that was wrong.

I discovered this when I walked into a bookshop and couldn't see it on the shelf so asked the very stupid question of "Hi, I'm looking for a book".

See, I know it's a stupid question, I was told afterwards that it's only when I don't follow it up with another statement about what book and the person serving me is completely immune to it. Due to the frequency that people do it.

The thing that made this story completely gold is well, the person serving me was hilarious and while I'm sure she thought I was a nutcase, she was amused by it rather than being scared.
I ask stupid questions, but I'm self aware of it.

The gold part of the story, I was looking for a book called "Pirate's Guide to Parenting", while wearing my "To Err is to Human, to Arr is to Pirate".

So, what did I wear while book shopping?
I don't have a photo...
I'm going to have to get a photo, aren't I?

Well, I won't because I'm lazy and in bed and lazy.
So loyal readers, I owe you one.

PASSIVE AGGRESSIVEness- what's up with that?

Yeah, I'm a blog about passive aggressiveness.

This is largely in response to the massively passive aggressive blog I wrote last week, I've been meaning to write it for a while but I've been lazy and had a small amount of writer's blog.

I actually made some vlogs to make up for it and then got really self conscious about them and didn't post them. Even though I spent the hour uploading them to the internet.
So, sorry guys, you are gonna have to wait til I think I'm bullet proof for me to post them.

I think they both feature singing, which is a horrible, horrible thing and yeah, that is the main thing I'm self conscious about so, alas, until I'm feeling bulletproof they are staying in the vault.

 I feel sorry for the person that gets stuck going through my computer.

Anyway! Passive aggressiveness!
My main act of passive aggressiveness has to be the fact I wrote the long detailed blog about unfriending completely aimed at someone who I know reads this. Part of me was curious to see if they'd respond or even bring it up.
If you were curious, no, no they didn't.
Did I bring it up and force a conversation about it? Yes.

One of the many reasons why it sucks to be friends with me.

But alas, I think it's all sorted, if it's not, I'm never going to be told about it, so we all move on.

Yeah, that too was a pointed comment since the person that it is aimed at reads this.

So, passive aggressiveness!

In some ways I think I'm really bad at the passive aggressive games, but that's ok, because I have people to write my passive aggressive emails on my behalf and in return I provide witty commentary and shout outs on my blog of various subtleties.

You'll have to forgive me, I started writing and then stopped at this point and don't remember what I really wanted to talk about.

The passive aggressive things I find most annoying are the Facebook status comments. Yes, we get it, you are pissed at someone, grow up and talk to that person. Don't constantly write annoying vague Facebook status.
If you feel a need to do this so often, get a fucking Twitter account, so I don't have to read your bullshit!

Ok, I think I might be confused about what it is to be passive aggressive... In my mind it's about being aggressive but in a passive way...
Right now I am pissed off at you, but I don't want to confront you so I'll make thinly veiled comments about you.
Where as Wiki seems to inform me it's some kind of personality trait that is a passive resistance to following through with actions in interpersonal and occupational situations.
Thus the "Yeah, I'll do it" and then not doing it.

Which, kind of kills this post for me.
So, I'm gonna stick with the being aggressive but in the not obvious way.

This doubles as sending messages in a non-direct way, which my favourite means to do will forever be there joining lots of Facebook groups with a similar theme... "I miss you so much" "Why are never online?" "I wait all night just to talk to you for a few seconds" "Why are you never by the third window facing the east so I can get the clear view of you as you sleep?"
Yeah, we get it. You are creepy stalker and now everyone on your list is praying that it's not aimed at them.

Basically, stop with the vague, repetative Facebook updates. Unless of course you are hilarious, insightful or a combination of the two.
Work sucks, people sucks. Accept it, move on or get a Twitter account.

Or you know, a blog to bitch about these people...
Clearly, the way to go.

Build  a fan base...
Bitch about fans...
Destroy a fan base.

I typed fan bass that last time.
Is it a fan for the bass? Keeping the music cool or is a fan's bass.
Why do my typos have strange questions...

I need to stop writing random stuff.

Give me external validation and comment.

Some times I just like to talk in to a camera...

Yes, I have another vlog for you.

I actually did this one a couple of weeks ago and didn't upload it for some strange reason or I thought it wasn't very interesting but then I figured, no one has told me I'm uninteresting and it really amuses me. So enjoy.

There is another one to go up in the next or so.
That one features a preview of what's upcoming next on Elyse's Adventures Talking to the Camera.

Yeah, I'll eventually get around to making actual videos with proper editing and stuff, but you know, Lazy.

I think the begining of this is my favourite...

Procrasinating VIA GUITAR! from Super Flyse on Vimeo.

That and I love the screen caps of those.
I just want to know how to change them.

Please comment. I need external validation.

Elyse's Guide to World Peace

Just as the title says, in a world that is full of hate and violence and all kinds of bad shit. The one way to solve it:

Don't be a douche. No, just don't.
Don't be a douchewaffle or a douchnozzle, don't get yourself douche-knighted to become Sir Douchwaffle nor King of the Douches.

If everyone just stopped being a douche, there would be world peace.

The important things I've learnt from the internet...

I love Google.

I'm not going to lie, I love Google more than I love a lot of things.
In fact, I am going to give you a list of things I love in order.

1. Patrick Joe and my other assorted musical instruments
2. Buffy
3. Google
4. Adam (He is dreamy)
5. Angel Muppet
6. My loyal readers

I wonder how many people are going to get offended by number 4 there.
I imagine that I'm gonna get sent a message being all like "Why do you love Adam more than me?", so Loyal Readers, I love you too.

I once declared my love for Google to one of my friends and I said "what doesn't Google know?" and Lexi was all "how to love?"
I took this as a challenge, and did what any other sane person would do.

I googled "How to Love".

And I thank God every day that I did that because now, now I know how to love.

Thank you, WikiHow, now I know how to love.
And it evens includes a picture to help you on the way.

I feel more equipped for the world knowing the 6 steps of love and I will go through the six steps and followed by how it is going to help me love Google more. KT, feel free to replace your name with Google if that will make you feel better.

1. Saying it.... (Google, I love you. I heart you. I less than three you! )

2. Empathize.... (Yes, Google you are a website. I understand that is what you do and that may impact how you do things)

3. Love Unconditionally... (Google, I will love you, even though I know that sometimes you won't give me the right answers in my first attempt and it might take me several attempts to get there but I know we will eventually get there.. TOGETHER. I will love you through all of that.)

4. Expect nothing in return... (Google, I understand that you are a website and many people love you, they love you as their outlet to the web, in their quest for knowledge, to find out so many things, you lead the way. I'd be naive to think that I'd be the only person to love you and I know, that you are a website, who helps so many and could love so many that, I know this love may be unrequited. But it is something... It is something...)

5. Realise it can be lost... (Dear Google, I know there will be day where your awesome searching abilities will be beaten by something or the internet dies, but I will live in the now where our love is strong. All my love, Elyse)

6. Never stop loving... (There's always Yahoo!)

Now, this knowledge combined with another helpful page I found on WikiHow.
Seriously guys, WikiHow... It will teach you how to live...

And also apparently help you pick up...

How to hug a guy... ROMANTICALLY>....


I don't think it's really Ramblings of Elyse to go through this blog, I don't want to corrupt the minds of the readers...
But readers, just remember if you are planning to go out, find yourself a man to hug just keep these in mind.
  • If you don't think you're ready to try all of this, don't worry. Wait until you're ready - then you can really enjoy it all.
  • Don't force the hug. He might not be ready for it, so just wait for another time.
  • Don't attack the guy. Show him how you feel, but let him take the lead.
  • If things go past either of your limits, stop it right away and let each other know how far your limits are.
  • Don't hurt the guy. And don't let him hurt you. Everyone has their squeeze limit.
  • Only apply this to a guy you actually like. Never toy with a guy's feelings, especially if it's because you want to make someone else jealous. It never ends well.
  • Make sure that he actually likes you because if he doesn't,it will be really awkward in the end.

Ok, I don't want to appear sexist, I'll see what I can find out for the boys.

I'm back! Ok... I guess you couldn't really tell if I left.

One thing this lesson has taught me is that man, I am such a whore, I give up my hugs so easily.
I don't think Jesus hugged anyone like that.

So, Boys, how to hug a girl. 
Everything you need to know about how to hug a girl...
Now, this isn't about hugging romantically, but I think it could be renamed "How to pick up with your hugs".

But it does warn me:
""Couple" status is not a requirement for hugging a girl, but you should at least be on familiar terms with her. Hugs between opposite-gender friends are often reserved for more significant moments, such as when parting before moving away, or returning after a long absence. Still, as long as you are respectful toward her, an occasional hug is probably fine. If it is too awkward for one or both of you, it may be best to avoid initiating one, but don't rule out the possibility of a hug being appropriate at some later point."

The best way to make sure we all know what the hug is "if it is just a friendly hug, don't hold on for more than 3 seconds and laugh when you let go".

Good to know, WikiHow, Good to know.

I'll be paying attention to this now when I go to hug some boys. Yeah, that's right... I said plural. What up? 

You've taught me that I should just stick to my Christian Side Hugs...

Yes, I can't get enough of that video and EMBEDDING! What's not to love?

OkWikiHow from the not Relationships section...

Here's a good one.
How to avoid being shot by a Police Officer
I have some good advice for this.

Don't break the law. Don't carry weapons. If there is a cop with their gun out, don't be a douche.
Simple advice.

And finally, something I can use in my every day life.

I realise that is the assumption that you actually click on the list.
If it helps, one of the tips is "Don't be a geek, or a nerd. Be well liked among your class, by chatting and giggling with everyone. Make sure everyone has heard of your name before!"

I wonder if I can get tips on being a nerd...
Oh... They do. Awesome.

Way to perpetuate stereotypes, Internet! 

Armed with knowledge...
ONWARDS we go!

Unfriending- What's up with that?

I'm sure we are all familiar with the term "unfriending", well you should be, it was the Oxford word of the year last year and I believe we all know how I feel about the good people at Oxford.
That wasn't sarcasm, it is good things. All good things.

In the world of online social networking you get the list happening of friends, relatives, acquaintances, co-workers, former enemies, current enemies or those people who are friends of friends who were suggested. I'm not going to lie I have some people on my friend list who I have no idea who they are, I KIND of know who they are, but you know, they know other people so whatever...

I don't actually have a selection policy or a criteria, the only thing that I do with Facebook is that I generally don't add other people. Yep, they've got to add me. Some people I'm curious to know what it is.
So this is my policy, someone requests to be my facebook friend, I'm accepting that because that's just how I roll.

That is my selection for adding people, but what about my selection for deleting people?
Yeah. I don't have one of those policies. Every now and then I think about going through my list and get rid of the people that I don't actually know or have never really conversed with or the people I just don't give a fuck about.

I never do, because I'm lazy, but I've thought about it.

Then it comes to, what happens when you are defriended?
And this is the situation I've found myself in in recent times.
Not just as one of those people that fit my three options or maybe I am in that third option and I don't even know about it.

During the week I was defriended by one of my friends who I see and converse with A LOT and I found out that I was no longer facebook friends with them because of some weird facebook glitch where I had to add someone else and it was all like "Do you want to add ?" and I figured it was a glitch and clicked the add as matey.
I'm not curious and keeping an eye on it. Still hasn't been accepted. 

It's interesting.

It only got interesting when their significant other also unfriended me. The significant other has a very strict friend control policy, but even that, I have a lot to do with them both so on what grounds for the unfriending?

I'm all for the unfriending for the people that are just a number on a list. But now I have no idea where I stand with these people.
Is it a clear message that I am meant to be receiving? Because I don't do well with subtlities, and if they don't know that than maybe I should be in the realm of listing them not only as my friends but in a somewhat inner circle.

The unfriending does send a clear message. I don't think it's even a fuck you, because a fuck you and message of hatred requires some passion and force behind it. It is the storming out and slamming the door. It is sending the message that yeah, you should be taking this unfriending as a personal affront because you are a horrible person and horrible friend.

No, the unfriending without acknowledging is a I just don't care. That is the just not showing up and the standing up. Or the whole "Yeah, we SHOULD do that" and it never happens.

As my life is lead by the monologue from passion. Yeah, without passion we would be truly dead.
Yeah, that friendship is dead.
May I let it rest in peace.

By Request- High School Musical

I did get this ages ago, but I am writing about it now, because I can...

A topic at the request of Snix, here it is....

I saw it once.

It was a cold Saturday night. I was at home.

Actually, I don't remember if it was cold, I just remember it was a Saturday night and I was bored watching TV.  It was when it had first been released or just doing the rounds.

As a musical fan, I'm a fan of musicals and thus enjoying watching them. I had heard things about this new phenomenon crushing the tweens with dance and thought "A musical? How refreshingly awesome..."

I checked with my Musical Peeps about the standards of it compared to actually good musicals. One said it was good and that I'd love it, the other said it what shit and to run, RUN AWAY!

I was torn, they are my two most trustworthy sources and who was I to believe?

But I decided to not just take the words of advice from my most trust allies and to go into the abyss and watch.

Oh, I watched.

It was atrocious.
To this day the one thing that I can not get over is the enemies of Zac Efron and Vanessa whatever her last name is, I could look it up and ruin my repuation as an unworthy news source but I'm too lazy for that. Oh wait... Vanessa Hudgens. Thank you for being in many Disney scandals and posing topless on the internet a lot to feature in trashy mags so I can eventually remember your name.

Oh.. Character names... Troy and Gabriella? Is now!

Well, their enemies.
They are brother and sister. BROTHER AND SISTER!
Now, I'm sure many people are thinking that I should get over the fact that people on television do sometimes have siblings. Not that often, but some times they do and I should move on.

Normally I'd agree but the point of the musical and why the Brother and Sister have something against Troy and Gabriella is that they are going for the leads in the school musical.

I'm someone that knows a lot about musicals. Your typical musical, especially your typical musical that is going to be performed by a high school is the quintessial love story. Boy meets girl, boy and girl fall in love, something horrible happens meaning they can't be together in the end and then they get together at the end, everyone lives happily ever after.
That's how it goes.

Your leads in a musical?
They play that boy and girl.

People you don't want playing the leads in the musical... A BROTHER AND SISTER!!
That is wrong and disturbing and just no.

I could sustain my disbelief no longer after that.
What the hell?

ESPECIALLY, ESPICALLY since how much they play the we are the leads in the musical together and when we sing we make beautiful together that we will continue off stage and off screen as not to offend any parents, but man, those front hugs will be hot.
To play that card continually and then throw the fact the people rthat used to be in those roles are siblings?
Yeah, that is not right.

When it comes to my opinion of High School Musical my opinion is so clouded due to that, that I don't remember most of it.

As a result of this most of my opinion then comes to the aftermath and consequences... Which one side I kind of enjoy because if it means that there is a surge of popularity in musicals that means that in Sydney it won't be one musical every couple of months, but more than one?
Like West Side Story and Wicked both showing in July!
That is something I can get behind.
Though, that is far more likely to do with the absolute steam rolling of everything that Wicked is doing.

I'm all for more musicals.
Things I am not behind...

Did you know they made a stage version of HSM?
Do you know with that stage version they are doing amateur versions of it?
That is disturbing.

At uni the other day I saw a flyer for an amateur version of it in like Chatswood or somewhere and I'm not going to lie, part of my musical loving heart died a little.

The rant that goes with this is the Jukebox musical. I hate them as well, I'm looking at you Mama Mia! Jersey Boys! The Wedding Singer! Shout! The Dusty Springfield Story.
I find these an afront to musical theatre.

The Wedding Singer in particular, if only because they killed my favourite joke from the movie in there. They tried but they obviously couldn't get the rights to use the Culture Club's Do You Really Want to Hurt me.
But still...

Write your own fricken musicals! Don't just use songs that are already a commerical success and write a dodgy story to make them work because it doesn't and I don't care for it.

But back to High School Musical.
I think they tried to go with some ironic kind of humour with "musicals aren't cool and I'll tell you why- through song!" thing. I think it's humour. I'm really hoping it was because other wise, those writers are fucked and need to be taken out and shot.

Now, the only song I remember was I think the big dance number which I've conveniently stolen from YouTube to destroy your ears, eyes, heart and soul...

That is the only song I can remember and it informs me that I should follow the rules and stick to the status quo. Well, the status is not quo and fuck you High School Musical for contributing your filth to the pop culture vernacular and making people confirm to what are the apparent ideals of high school.

Ok, maybe it hasn't hit the pop culture, but this is going to be like the Grease of the next generation or atleast that's what they were going for.
This is going to be involved in shaping the youngin's pop culture and it makes me sad because Grease?
Grease is hilarious.

I at least knew Grease was taking the piss. I'm pretty sure HSM is not.

Even though I like to forget High School Musical ever plagued the world, I do like the guy that bakes.

Trust me, I'm a musican.

I do enjoy writing my Inadvertently Ask Elyse section, which is just what I call it in my head but it was my last post but something I discovered thanks to the comments is that one of the search terms, "Elyse and the Aftermath" is actually a band.

Elyse from Elyse and the Aftermath kindly informed me of this, thanked me for the shout out and then said was going to read the rest of my blog. Which made me feel horribly guilty because as far as shout outs go. That really isn't a shout out at all because I wasn't aware they were band until this afternoon when on the bus I read my email and giggled heartily to myself.

Thus, I decided that hey, I'm going to check out this AWESOMELY named band, because come on "Elyse and the Aftermath" AWESOME. I think I want that on a shirt.
Not because of the association with the band, just coz it's a little bit hilarious.

I particularly like their website because it these quotes:
"Elyse' s soaring vocals and introspective lyrics engaged an enthusiastic crowd that would shout back responses during the between-song banter. The group put on a performance like they were playing for a packed stadium."
Kristin Hauser - LA Music Blog ""
And it cracks me up a little bit to read because it's totally referring to me.
You know how it is.

I actually decided to do a review and I'm not sure if I should be scathing or not in case it gets read by the band and then I realised that is a bit of a cowardly dog move...
My review isn't actually scathing.

There are four songs on the website, that I'm currently listening to.
Three are from the album, which I totes stole the cover of from the website:

It's available on iTunes, which also makes me feel LESS guilty for the stealing the picture.

So, from what I've gathered from the site, it's a four piece band.

Vocals, guitars, bass and drums.
And my first thought it is "wow, those are some clean sounding drums", which is a weird first thought and yeah, I'm totes gonna be the best sound engineer ever.

Shut Up Listen- I have no idea what is going with the synth, but it's very 80s and kind of bugs. It actually reminds me a little bit of the Pseudo Echo version of Funkytown and contrasts a lot with the chorus.
Yeah, I can't even block it out now.
Other than it's the rock fare, but with a nice contrast of someone who can actually sing on vocals, which is a nice change .

So yeah, good kind of pop-rock type sound.
Good sound.

Good name, good sound and who doesn't love some independent music?

Apparently, I also shouldn't feel bad about no doing proper shout outs, but I do like to have topics to write about and considering today was performance day at uni and I spent my afternoon at a pub listening to live music, I'm feeling the music love.

Plus, seriously, they are called Elyse and the Aftermath?
I can't pass that shit up!

So yes, people of the internet feel free to take advantage of my guilt.

The musings of when I should be asleep...

I just want to start with I love the word musings.

The dictionary I just looked at didn't accept it, but spellcheck doesn't seem to have a problem with it.

Musing. To be absorbed in thought.
I do that. I do that a lot. I catch a lot of public transport and haven't been able to read a book since I decided it was a great idea to start reading a book about the joys of doing Heroin.
That wasn't a smart move, but my reading has always been very tightly linked with how I currently perceive the world. If I don't perceive it well, then I don't read. Simple as that.

But I still have trains. I have two hours of public transport each day.
I stare out the window and think. I think of many things.

I think I managed to enter the world of the creative people. I've never really thought of myself as overly creative, but as I stare out the window they are the things that enter my mind.
Thoughts... Ideas...

Lots of ideas.
For books, for blogs (I tend to forget, not write or become completely insecure with my ability to back up ideas with anything else), for videos. For lots of things.

I once started to write a musical with one of my friends. We kind of stalled when we couldn't decide on the major plot point, but I caught public transport than too...
I got my ideas as I travelled, music in, staring out the window.

That's just what I did.

I actually meant to write this about sleeping.

I should be asleep right now. It's almost 1am and I have work tomorrow.
I never used to have a problem with sleeping, back in the day, I'd go to bed early and be able to fall asleep very easily and now... Now I don't have that.

I know a lot of people that had insomnia and were never able to sleep, I never had that problem, if anything I had it the other way round and would sleep way too much.

Which kind of sucks.
Unless, you are one of those people that enjoy my late night ramblings because you are the real winner here.

So, sleep, why have you forsaken me?
Why did we break up?

We had a good time together.
I was happy, you were happy.
What went wrong?
Was I not good?

And yes, I did go to the Buffy place there.

I miss you sleep, I miss how easy we used to be together and now it's tension and it's just not the same.

I can only speculate what happened, things changed. We grew apart, suddenly we wanted different things.
Then the doubts appeared and I'd lay awake waiting for you with thousands of thoughts running through my head.
And you knew, you knew about them all along.

The thoughts, horrible thoughts, really, what do I actually care about what I'm going to wear tomorrow?
I think my iPod will last at least one way and I'll just take the charger.
Ottawa... the capital of Canada is Ottawa.

I just want my sleep back.
I just want it to be the way it used to be.

But alas, it won't be.

Not really in the nature of change to work that way.

Helping out my googlers... The May Edition...

It's the 2nd of the Month, which means only one thing.

And that one thing only means something to me, but that one thing is all those Google Questions answered!
This is the third part of a series which I hope is ongoing because it my favourite thing to write!

This Month's Google Searches, that lead many people here. I am here to answer the questions you never asked!

1. Elyse and the aftermath 

I am not entirely sure why so many of these searches include my name, but it happens a lot. Maybe I should stop referring to myself in the third person so much....

Nah... That's not going to happen.

Though, I am assuming you are asking about my role in the aftermath.
So, I did a quick dictionary search of "aftermath", just so we are all clear on the matter.
Here are the meanings:

aftermath |ˈaftərˌmaθ|
1 the consequences or aftereffects of an event, esp. when unpleasant : food prices soared in the aftermath of the drought.
2 Farming new grass growing after mowing or harvest.

Well, I don't actually have a role in any kind of farming.
Thus, my story of Elyse and the aftermath.

"As the workers slaved away in the field at the hands of a master that was very unforiving, Elyse, the name they spat out whenever it was mentioned. Whenever something even sounded like that very name there was a united shudder. They were trapped in this field, untited in the hatred of this Elyse character.

They planned, the schemed and under the moon of the harvest they decided that finally they would have action.
Once their duty was done and their debts apparently paid off as the corn was collected and bundled together  to sell at the market. They would rise up and take control of the land.
They would be free.

At least, the day was done and the fields were clear.
They took their posestions and the plan began.

The small ringleaders had expected the masses to follow, but they did not.
They were defeated and their cries of the defeat cried out into the night as their blood made way for the new growth of land.

Their blood would create the aftermath of the next harvest".

That is why I'm not a writer.
So, another story of Elyse and the first definition of aftermath.

Well, we all have consequence.

What kind of thing are you looking for?

My consequence is that I get to see who people really are.
It's interesting.
It's not in good times that you find out who people are, it's when they are challenged.

That's the fun of the aftermath.
That's where things are revealed.

I really wish that wasn't the case.

But alas.
Stick with the first story...
It's kind of funny.

2. Hugging Problem

Admitting you have a problem is the first step.
Or is the second step?

Is it even a step?

Whatever, so you have a hugging problem.

Do you feel unconformtable hugging people or being hugged?
Or are you just really bad at it and need some guidance into how to hug.
If that is the case, I am in the process of working on an instructional video about hugging.
I promise it won't include any rap and that hurts me most of all.

The first thing when it comes to hugging is an understanding between the person more active in the hugging process (the hugger) and then the person who is kind of relecant (the huggee).
Hey, if you are having a problem with the hugging, there is gonna be a hugger and a huggee...

If it's a mutual problem, then you are probably hugging wrong and you need to sit down with your behugged and talk some stuff out.
Especially if you feel a need to be doing the Christian Side Hug because otherwise the sexual tension is making everyone feel uncomfortable.
If you hugging someone has ever made a non-hugging particapiant leave the room.
You need to have a "Hug Chat" which is the discussing of when your hugs became less hugging more canoodling.

Now the understanding needs to take into account the fact of what kind of hug is it going to be?
Is gonna be a side hug?
Is it gonna be a they are sitting down, I'm standing up and thus there needs to work out how they hugging is gonna work like that?
Awkward car hug?

There are so many questions to be asked.
And I will provide solutions in the Ramblings of Elyse presents: Hugging Problems- What's up with that?

Trust me googler, I got your back. I'll work on this day and night until I have an answer!

3. Literal Songs

I get this one a lot.
Which is kind of awesome and hilarious.

What is a literal song?

It is a song that accompanies the original song's filmclip but the words have been changed to describe what is happening in the film clip.

Though, for a dictionary definition:
Literal: taking words in their usual or most basic sense without metaphor or allegory
Song: a short poem or other set of words set to music or meant to be sung.

So, taking words in their most basic sense without metaphor set to music.

Ummm... that's not helpful.
Just read the original post.

4. Stalking

Dictionary:  harass or persecute (someone) with unwanted and obsessive attention

I assume you already knew that, perhaps you were looking for some tips on stalking.
I suppose I could supply some...
Not really my area of expertise, but I do have a friend that her alternative use is her knowledge of stalking.
I could ask, since she is totally  stalking me.
I think she is outside my window right now.

But, from what I've learnt from TV.
Stalking will totally get you the girl of your dreams...
It may just be if you are a vampire.
So, if you are a vampire. Stalk her until she gives in. Just remember: Be Safe.

5. Ramblings of Elyse

That would be here.
I hope you found what you were looking for.

Which seems like a ramble from Elyse and I am only too happy to provide such a service.

6. Whatever Happened to Elyse? 

Good question. 
Anyone know the answer? 

Until next month, Search hard 

May Day! MAY DAY!

Today is May Day...

Well, ok, it is now 2.57am on the 2nd of May, so technically it's not, but I did plan to write something today and then got sidetracked by my guitar, the Brady Bunch Movie, dinner in the city (The Ribs were not that good, nor was I actually in the City since it was Newtown but that's a different thing) and the hanging out with people because I bribed them with waffles.

Yes, i will bribe you with food if you hang out with me.
Sometimes, I won't even cook it myself.

Ok, I'll cook for you as well.
You like French Toast, right?
My French Toast is awesome. Just ask McFly.
If I mention McFly enough, I figure she'll either comment, beat me up or make her own blog.
I'm hoping it's option number 3, but have a feeling it will actually be number 2.

Which reminds me, McFly... If you are reading this I need to talk to you about some kind of video. Seriously, you need to call me.

umm... that got a little weird.


May Day! No, I just wanted to use that as a title, nothing too dramatic happening for me. Same old regular drama.

But that  brings me to the point of my blog!
What is it with me and really dramatic people?

I have a whole bunch of friends that I can't actually tell them what I think I should tell them because they'll react so badly. Seriously, what is with that?
If you are reading this, yes, totally referring to you.

Yes, that is applicable to EVERYONE reading this.

Ok, that is clearly a lie, you people need to get over yourselves. Not everything is about you.

That being said, if I find you dramatic and likely to make a big deal about anything I say, I'm not actually going to admit it's about you.
Yes, I can be that person. Just because I'm not normally, doesn't mean I can't be.

Now, I'll tell you the story of my week.
I started on Monday with lunch with my school friends... One is a lawyer, the other is a forensic scientist. Yeah, we discussed murder at length.
It's interesting.
The things that I know. The things that I know.

Thing is with my school friends, they are the only two I deal with because that's just how it is.
It's funny that one of them I wasn't even friends with through most of high school. There was much hate and tension and incidents that lead to Elyse getting into a lot of trouble at school, but we got over that. Not really the point, I do like to keep that information on the downlow... So my bad!

This lunch has put a whole bunch of things in prespective.

One of these friends has a massive flair for the dramatic. Everything is very dramatic, and knowing what I know, not made up. It could be, but  I think she learnt her lesson from that during High School with the grandest most epic fight EVER.
It was retreat, in front of a window and so we were all watching and then had to pretend not to be. Very funny.

That was not the point of the story, but flair for the dramatic and my job is merely to insert sarcastic and smartarse commentaries.

Then I realised something.
I do that a lot.

A lot of people I know are super, super dramatic and everything is just drama. They tell me, and I just had sarcastic commentary.
I'm not sure if I meant to but come on, if you are coming to me for the drama, then you are getting my sarcastic commentary or some kind of commentary.

Depending what it is of course, I do have some ethics.

So, yeah, after lunch with my little bit dramatic peeps.
She realised at some point that it was the case, so plays it up a little bit. Making it all that much hilarious.
Self aware dramatics.. .HILARIOUS!

The non-self aware dramatics?
Yeah... not so awesome.

I can normally do a really good job of not over-thinking the dramatic and just taking most things as they come, but oh em gee.
I've just thought about things way too much recently.
And just no, it's just annoying me a lot.

I'm currently annoyed. Maybe pissed off...
I'm not sure if this is a good thing or not, but it's been a while since I've been really pissed off.
I mean like this year, this year has done a whole bunch of stuff with the anger.

I don't know know.
I have friend who always was very keen on me defending myself, since I'm very bad at doing so.
I have no problem taking the blame.

So, I think they'll be very excited that I do have a nice defense happening.
I have a defense, though, at this point in time I don't see the point in using it and it's not worth it.
I'm not saying that I'm right, I'm just not going to take the blame.
There is a difference.

However, some battles are not worth fighting and that's where I currently stand.
I have drama. That surrounds me.

I'm constantly surrounded by drama. It very rarely is a direct result of my actions.

I'm gonna get in trouble for this and I'm gonna regret it.

But loyal readers... Drama?
Not fucking worth it.

So, in a nutshell here are my life philosophies:
-Never fuck around with someone who will be serving you food. Never be rude to a waiter or piss off the person in the kitchen. They will fuck you up in ways that you can't even imagine.
- Nothing exists in a vacuum. NOTHING. Things that you think are just involved with you or with another person, never remain that way.  People get hurt in all kinds of way.
Yeah, watching you screw up your life because you've decided to drink too much, smoke too much and do too many drugs?
Yeah, that isn't just about you. That is about the people that watch you do it and the people that bail you out when the hole gets too deep... And you don't even fucking see it or have to deal with the consequences.
The Vortex of Pain spins whether you consent or not.

I'm a little bitter about that last one, it's also something I should know better.

The thing with the drama in life, you can't really stop it.
If people who like the drama want it, they'll create it, you sit them down and go "woah man, lay off it a little bit", you just become a character in it.
A pawn that can be created to feel the needs that are required.

Essentially, that's all we are. Just characters in someone else's play.
The traits are all their in the mind and anything just fits that.
Things that change the traits are things that the blow the mind.
I thought I knew some people and then suddenly, no, I really didn't and it's all changed.
Motives change.

I never knew where I stood, so I like to disassociate. I've gotten very good at it.
They just became characters in my head. I am the puppet master.
My puppets never did dance very well.

I am going to regret this. It will get me in trouble and the world as I know it will cease to be.
Well... Truth be told... I'm lying.
I don't know what this will do. It's out there.

I can't stop that.
Well, I can, but I won't.
These things aren't going away, just gotta learn to deal.

And sorry, but that's just how I roll...

Glee- What's up with that?

One of the current massive shows hitting the Australian airwaves is Glee.

You know it's massive, because it is only one week behind the States and oh em gee, they promo the fuck out of it!
Now, I watch an embarrassingly lack of TV. It brings me shame the amount of TV I don't watch. Television pays me, I should watch it more.

The very little television I watch is a result of walking through a room and the TV is on.
My mum is loving the Masterchef, which is funny because it is so overdramatic. I just saw a group on facebook with the caption "More Cooking, Less Sooking", though my favourite was "Less crying, more frying". 
That's not the point.

So last night, I was watching TV while eating my dinner and mocking the melodrama that is Masterchef. One of those contestants was a cop! A COP! And she had this breakdown in one of the challenges. What's with that?
Harden up, princess.

Then I started to watch Glee and saw something awesome in the credits... IDINA MENZEL! WAS IN GLEE!!
Idina Menzel!
If you do not know who that is, get out of my blog. Just get out...
Ok, I'll play nice. Idina Menzel is the original Broadway Maureen from Rent (So thus, plays Maureen in the movie) and is also the original Elaphba from Wicked... So on a show... Where they sing?

She didn't sing. That made me sad.
But I watched Glee.

The entire episode.

It's interesting.
I saw the pilot and this was like the second season or something, I don't really follow.

I watched and then the singing started.
I'm a musical fan, randomly singing doesn't bother me at all.
Though, Glee it isn't just random singing... It's in-show singing. Part of the context.
With apparently the most awesome band ever, who just happen to know all these songs all the time.
Yeah, I did think that when I watched it.
Especially when the teacher is all "Play anything, the band knows it!" So, that amused me. That is not a direct quote, I am clearly making it up.

Now, so we get the singing.
And Oh Em Gee...

What the hell is with the singing?

Now before someone is all like "There singing is awesome. You don't know what you are talking about".
I preemptively say shut up.
I do know what I'm talking about because I have both muso cred and musical nerd cred and well, shut up, this is my blog.

I don't have a problem with the actual singing but it is just so processed!
You can tell that they are lip syncing... badly.
Well, it's in time, it's just really obvious that it isn't live.

This leads me to a rant about live music and processing and how CDs have destroyed expectations about the live music experience, but that's for another blog.
It sounds exciting doesn't it?
Remember, I'm a 1/6th of  a Sound Engineer.

The musical numbers are good, but I still think the thing that would make it better is if Idina Menzel sang.
Though, plot wise I am expecting something horrible to happen to Rachel, I'm also predicting it is revealed that Rachel is the secret lovechild of Idina Menzel's character (I don't know her name due to the squee-ing. Yes, I am totally a Idina Menzel fangirl)
Because really... Those two, look exactly the same.
I stole photos and everything!

<----- Idina

                    Lea Michelle --->

See what I'm saying.
I would completely buy that.
I'm buying it now without it even being  in existence!

I think I should have found photos that imply it better, but still...
Totally needs to happen.

I had one of the songs from Glee in my head all day and then it came on the radio. That radio was cursed today. We'd talk about songs and then they'd play.

Thus, we were talking about Glee.
Glee was created by the same dude that created Popular, an awesome, awesome so underrated series from the late 90s/early 00s. Fricken awesome show.
Which gives the show a massive head start with me, because I did love that show.

That being said, super quotable. That's a plus.

At this stage, I'll remain a geek and the L will be because of my loser status.
So, this writer is not a Gleek.

The "This writer" was for my own amusement and to emphasis the loser status, but oh well...

Glee... That's what is up with that.

That is not a good tag line.
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