Elyse v Tone

I don't think it is hear that I have the title as the battle wages on between Elyse and other things or maybe I've been watching too many episodes of Chuck.

I was just internet stalking Lexi and was reading something in her blog about comments and the dos and don'ts, and one of them was about swearing.

I personally think swearing looks funny in text, seriously, it looks really weird. So much so that I try not to swear on the internet and as a result I have had a few people convinced that either I don't swear or am offended by swearing.
My personal favourite example of this is when Davey informed me that Adam made a comment about having never me swear, of which Davey scoffed at.
Not that long after we had a picnic day thing with the ultimate Westies and cards were played.
Nothing makes me swear quite like cards and the comment when walking back to the station "I can't believe I thought you didn't swear".

Old story though, shame.

But Elyse vs Tone.
Tone is everything, communication isn't really about the words, that's only 10%. It's the tone and body language that communicate so much more.
Sarcasm is dead in text and then the difference between hot anger and cold fury?
Can't really tell the difference.
And it's an important difference.

I had a fairly Antioch central weekend with renew and on Friday night I got to play bad cop to keep people in the non-sleeping room quite so people could sleep.
I was in the corridor, neither asleep or being that loud. Ok, I was being a little loud.
I am pretty much always loud and am often told to use my inside voice, they say it a lot. I don't think they've caught on that I don't really have an inside voice, but yeah, so carrying on and I got to do the yelling at them to shut up.
On about the third attempt of telling them to be quite, my calm rationality had all but departed so it was time to crack out my angry yelling.
My angry yelling is very easy to realise because of the massive tonal shift from my loudness to my angry voice.
I yelled, and then before I had left the room I then yelled again that "I hadn't even left the fucking room yet".
This yelling freaked out Mary, and may have keep her a little paranoid that I was going to come back and yell at them again.
It's the fine line, but yeah, the tone.

On the internet, it just isn't all that possible. It is the major side of text, at least in books there is the narrative of "I haven't left the room yet" Elyse roared as the noise in the room increased rapidly. Even plays have stage directions, but any of this stuff?
Forums, MSN, blogs.
Nope, it's just impossible to tell.

It makes me sad.
Words seem really empty without the passion and emotion behind them.
Tones. They are important.

I really should work.


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