Another day on the trains

Hi, my name is Elyse and I spend way too much on public transport.
What does that mean?

That I spend a large percentage of my day reading, up to three hours a day. That's quite a chunk of time, in fact it is a 12th of my day, factoring in the fact I sleep for 8 hours. That is roughly a 5th of my waking hours.
Ok, it doesn't bother me, sometimes I enjoying working out the maths. Each to their own, is it not?

Interesting, spellcheck doesn't recognise "doesn't". It's freaking me out now.
If that's not a word, it is now. Take that dictionary!

The point of the mentioning of the train?
I spend a lot of time on trains, I read while on the train.
At the moment I am going through the classics or what are considered the great novels. I've just completed Lord of the Flies by William Golding.

My first experience with this novel comes from the episode of the Simpsons where they rip off the plot or as they call it "Parody". It was very distracting as I started reading it the line "Go banana" was in my head, it was amusing at first but then I wanted to get further into it. Later I was forced to watch it in Legal Studies. I watched the first half and was absent when the class watched the second half, well physically absent for the second half, mentally absent the first half. That is all in the past and I got over legal studies by dropping it the moment I could.

I had seen the title thrown around a lot and in my quest at the library I came across the novel and added it to my pile. Not all my pile is in the classics, I like to mix it up.
I read fast and that combined with my copious amounts of time on Public transport allows me to get through books very quickly. Last week I finished a book in one day, that did kind of freak me out but what can ya do?

Anyway! Lord of the Flies!
Thoughts and what not.
I liked the concept of the Lord of the Flies and what happens when the rules of society are thrown out, different rules form!
People like to think they are above animals in many ways, but ultimately, we are go in the pack. A pack directed by consciousness and thought as opposed to purely on instinct. That's what happened. There are leaders and there are followers and it is the strong that set the rules.
Those who fight for equally in the world are the downtrodden, who don't want equally they want to better themselves and want to be better than someone.
I think if we were taken out of this world and placed in a location free of rules we'd create them and there will be leaders and followers, because social animals fall into packs.

I'm fascinated by social commentaries. Fascinated!
I loved the entire tribe thing and how the discontent arose and all that went with it. The pack mentality was chilling, when they killed Simon. That was hardcore. Pack mentality is a scary thing.
The majority generally don't cause too much trouble, but when the masses are pissed off, that is when trouble happens. That is the nature of revolution! The French Revolution and the Russian Revolution, though probably more of the Russian Revolution of 1905, which was suppressed by the Army. It was in 1917 when the army wouldn't fight because that the Tsar had no other choice but to abdicate.

I'm a little disappointed in the ending. It seemed very sudden. Ralph is fighting for his life and then all of a sudden he runs into a naval dude and that's what stops the warring?
I think that the group would have taken out the lone naval officer. I got the impression that there was only one navy guy, it's a matter of numbers and passion. Numbers and passion will generally beat training.
I'd also like to know that once Jack faced defeat and going back to the place of not being the Chief and how that would be affected. He would be going back to nothing and that's not even dealing with the fact that he directly responsible for the death of two innocents. There others also have to deal with that, then again, what is worse those who issue the orders of death or those who follow them and actually take the life?
It's a life for a life in some ways, if the ordered don't carry through with it than the chance of them losing their life is quite high. Most people the sense of self preservation is higher than the morals against murder.
It's not right, but it's instinct and we can only overcome instinct so many times.

I had no closure, I'm really curious to know what will happen in the aftermath. Was there a sequel and how would the sequel work. If it would work at all. Not all sequels do. Though, it depends on intentions, most sequels in terms of film are made not for the sake of the story but because there is money to be made.
The resolution was that they were rescued, but I don't think they are saved.
They lost their innocence in a way that most people will go their lives without losing.
I'm also curious to know how long they were on the island for, it was enough for the short boys hair to grow enough to require being tied back.

It was interesting on how the title could be, in my limited knowledge of Lord of the Flies, I figured it was the title that the leader of the boys assumed that title to lord it over them. Not quite. It was interesting that it wasn't that, but I do enjoy the depiction of madness from the view of the character going mad and how there is a sense of logic even if isn't the logic associated with sanity.

Apparently, I don't seem like a reader.
I've never gotten how some can make a judgement like that. I also look like a meat pie person.
For the record, I don't like meat pies.

This concludes my thoughts of the day.
Whether, I'll write again depends on what books I next stumble on in the library.

I'll take requests and recommendations.


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