To make up for lots of Buffy...

There has been a lot of Buffy lately.

There was another blog I've been meaning to write...

And dammit, I wasted all my good words on Buffy.

It is a sad day for my muse.

Maybe, just maybe it I wait long enough it will come back to me.

I ramble a lot, it's only recently that there have been some themes to these ramblings. I'm not sure how I feel about that.
I'm not the theme based person, I just sit at my computer open up a window and start typing.

I just hope for the best, which is generally insightful and life changing, but am happy with kind of amusing and filled the time, otherwise what else is the internet useful for?

I've been kind of worried lately, I think I've gone and got me a life.
I mean between the working and the studying I have no time! NO TIME! Today, I even tried to spend my break at uni napping and not harassing Rob in the library. What has become of me?

It's mainly the work.
For 2 weeks every three months, I have me a second job. It involves harassing people. It's funnily enough very similar how I got my current job. I think I must be very good at ringing people and getting information out of them.

This week is the survey week. It's also exam week. The exams I'm worried about are next week. That's not to say I'm not worried about tomorrow's exams, just less worried.
Panic never does any good.
Except if I feel a need for some attention, then well, WOO! PANIC!

Wow... that was bitter...

So yeah...

This life thing.
It's new and confusing and I'm not sure I care for it.

How do I make it go away?


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