Helping out my Googlers...

I am hoping this be a regular segment since it is my dream, but well, my dreams are weird so let's not call them!

I've been keeping my eye out on my visitors to the site to a handy feature on Google and the best thing about this is let's me know how people get to my site and some people stumble on here from Google.

Well, I'm assuming Google, do other search engines even exist?

Those who stumbled here, I am going to answer your questions, because that's just the kind of person I am.

1. literal song descriptions

I don't know what you are looking for, but I hope you found it.

2. literal dance moves
Literal dance moves are the dance moves that correspond with the lyrics that are being sung at that point of time.
The most obvious example is "put your hands up in the air" and you respond with putting your hands in the air.

This is also an example of peer pressure en masse.

There is a difference between literal dancing and instructional dancing.
For some instructional dancing is that the words in the song tell you what to do, the example of this is the Time Warp from the Rocky Horror Picture Show. It's the chorus (It's just a jump to the right) or for those who are much more disturbed, there is the "Hoedown Throwdown" by Miley Cyrus.
Then again, some of those instructions are pretty messed up and that's why the Hoedown Throwdown will not be a dance sensation. That and it's trendy to hate Miley Cyrus.
But that's not the point.
Pretty sure someone wants it to be massive, because there are quite a few instructional videos on how to do the hoedown, one by Miley herself, which really emphasis what the hell are with those words?

Kids these days.

So they are some classic examples of instructional dance, then we have literal moves.
Literal moves are an interpretation of the lyrics into dance.

I honed my literal dancing in my youth group where we play songs and they have actions, though, I've never really done them since I'm a guitarist, which I thank God for every day.
But our actions are largely based on the literal dance movement.
Which is in our song they mention a fish, then there is the swimming fish that goes with it.
One song has the line "So we leave our boats behind", that is a rowing action.
It is very childish and very funny to watch new people react.

But how does this relate to the dance floor that I'm sure our questioner wanted to know.

So, I've decided to go to my iTunes and find a random song that has been released and was deemed successful.
And we have "Sk8er Boi" by Avril Lavigne, for those who don't know, I know you are lying. For some Elyse related trivia, I sang this song at Karaoke in Montreal, yeah. I name drop, geographically.

Now here are Elyse's Literal Dancing Move Tips:
"He was a boy"- Try some stereotypical manly moves such as the manly head nods to the rhythm, it's only small, it's just the one line.
"She was a girl"- I imagine something prissy
"Can I make it anymore obvious"- Imagine that you are in the middle of class and trying to say something about the class dreamboat to your bestie across the room and when they don't get it, when you are telling them after class how obvious it was that the dreamboat is in love with the bestie. The hand action that go with that are what you should do.
"We was a punk"- Kind of head bang with that annoying trademark Avril photo shoot pose. You know the one I'm talking about.
That actually took a lot longer for me to find then I expected, I was actually a little disappointed.
"She did ballet"- You do ballet. Can I make it anymore obvious?
"What more can I say?"- Similar to the Can I make it any more obvious, except the bestie is clearly in denial, so it's the action you make when you've laid down all the evidence and you are like "Dude! It's totally there! Why else would he be outside your window watching you sleep?"

The other general tips are anything where they mention a musical instrument do the air of that instrument, in most music they'll only be like guitar, unless you listen to Billy Joel and then it's the Piano Man.
So, air guitar.
Air guitar is also an appropriate literal dance move for "rocking out" or "rocking up" or "rockstar" or anything like that.
Any kind of farewell salutation is waving, but not in that super excited I've been waiting for 3 hours for you to show up and had to fight off 327 other groups to keep this table. This is the you are supporting your bestie in the bitch off and she has just made the ultimate call and there is no comeback so storms off, the wave that is "suck it bitch".

And there are Elyse's tips to literal dancing.

3. buffy bar à vampire "johnny's bar"

The bar in Buffy where the vampires hanged out was "Willy's Bar" or as the sign said "Willy's Place", there was also the Bronze where lots of vampires hung out.

I don't know who Johnny is vampire kind good luck.

And that was Elyse, helping out the Google people who got lost in the awesomeness.

'til next time.


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