And to break the theme...

I think I may start off with some random thoughts.

1. Australia, please hire some commentators that know something about the Winter Olympics.

2. How do my glasses get so dirty and why am I incapable of cleaning them? Seriously, can someone answer it for me. It's really annoying and it brings me shame that Lex will be all "What did you do?"

3. Swing covers of rock songs may have won my favourite type of covers. Sorry, Ska.

4. Where did my sunglasses go?
I don't like this back up pair, which is why I stopped wearing them.

5. I miss Jose el Basso.

6. I think I can curl for Australia. I don't have an aim to make the Winter Olympics, just the Australian team to be all like "Yeah, I played for Australia. What up."

7. I would phrase it exactly like that.

8. Ordering things online should come with a confirmation email to save Deus Cake scenarios.

9. Deus is actually Latin for God. Or it might just be god. Oh, I should know this.

10. Deus ex Machina is a literary device meaning god from the machine, which is pretty much the magic bullet. It is a sign of very poor story telling and it is a term that if I'm feeling pretentious I'll pull it out when I continue my Buffy themed writings. I'm looking at you, Chosen.
Fuck you.

11. Seriously, what is the deal with my glasses?

12. There is a guy that I work with and my life aim to have his job. He is the guy that does our audio mixes. Yeah, my goal... To have his job.
He is currently running the audio control room in Vancouver for Foxtel's coverage or is it Nine's coverage?
Either way he is in Vancouver.

I have now decided that, out of all the things I want to work at, it's the Winter Olympics I want to work at the most.
Even though, it would be crazy stressful and what not, but come on, working at the Witner Olympics?
That shit is bananas! B-A-N-A-N-A-S!

13. Having goals and career aspirations is new and weird and I don't think I care much for it.

14. Maybe I should have put this into point form as opposed to numbering.

15. Apparently they are making a Lego Movie. I'm not sure how that will work, could be interesting.

16. I meant to mention more about the cake story, well, no, I just wanted to say that I can only spell two in English. What is two in Italian? Dues? No... hmmm...
I could Google it, but what do you think I do at work all day?

Yes, Google things.

And swear at the printer.

17. I get to teach someone how to use iMovie on Monday. I also happened to mention something about my own video projects I've editted on iMovie.

No! That is bad!
I don't think I want people I work with to see some of those videos.
No matter how hilarious I think they are.

18. I think I'm going to stop at 25, like that thing was going around Facebook ages ago, but you know, not about me because who wants to know about that?

19. I'm a Sagittarius.

20. I think it is hilarious the Norwegian Men's Curling Team's Pants have a Facebook fan page.
They are awesome pants, the fan page also includes a link if anyone wants to buy their own pair.

21. I actually was going to write something properly about the Winter Olympics.
That clearly worked out well.

22. I probably should clean my room.

23. And put up my Canadian flag, even though it is still cut from WYD.
The story of why it was cut was they thought it would affect my breathing or something. I don't really know, I was unconscious at the time and upon regaining conscious my first statement was "Where's my beret?" followed quickly by "Did they cut my flag?"

Apparently these aren't the questions I'm meant to ask. Who knew?

24. In jokes are the most awesome thing ever.

25. If I could be enlightening, there would be something awesome here, but alas, I'm too lazy to google things.

Good night.


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