The continuation of the Rant

Remember, many spoilers lay ahead, be warned. Though, I'll take some abuse.

Today, I finally finished my epic journey of having read all seven Harry Potter books.

Now going back to the Half Blood Prince and the movie adaption.

So, previously I went through the general reasons why I don't approve of the film adaptions.
I mention my loathing of Harry?
Surely I did, that is one of my main reasons that I loathe the movies and the cut out all of the delightful subplot which is why I read the books!

The sixth book and movie. In my re-read I discovered that sixth is my least favourite book, I always thought it was Chamber of Secrets, but no, definitely the Half Blood Prince.

I can list the reasons why, I find many aspects enjoyable, but it's all set up. ALL SET UP for the final book.
I love that Fred and George not only have their joke shop all set up, but they also use some of their mischief making for the benefit of others. I do love the Weasley Twins, so this makes me happy.

I do hate that Hermione is so whiny in it. I won't lie, out of the three main characters, Hermione is my favourite and when it comes down to the arguement of epic proportions I think she is the real hero and it shines the most in the Seventh book. Harry would have been dead long before if not for his friendship with Hermione and he would have been kicked out of Hogwarts somewhere along the line.
But what happens to Hermione in the HBP?
She pines after Ron, and cries like ALL THE TIME, it is even worse in the movie and I was really hoping they were just amping up the angst for the sake of marketing to the Tweens and the Twilight fans, but no. It is all there.
Oh Hermione, you can do better than Ron! Ok, so it doesn't bother me that much, it's the angst that bothers me.
Then again, it's constant, Hermione was always highly strung and did the bursting out in tears thing alot. It's constant and remains constantly annoying.
In conclusion, shut up, Hermione.

The most horrific thing that occurred in the process of transferring was the final battle.
They take out the fact that Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Neville and Luna were fighting in the corridors, as well as the Order of the Phoenix, which is important for the set up and sets the scene for my favourite thing ever in the seven book, the thing that makes the entire journey brilliant and that is how even with Harry gone off fighting, the students still take up arms in the war and that Ginny, Luna and especially Neville continue to fight and WILL continue to fight even if Harry is dead because that is what they have to do.
Neville's journey in all the seven books is fricken awesome. That he has scars at the end and he knows how and why he got them and they are trophies for a cause. Man, it's awesome.
How are the movies ever going to bring anything like that from the books when they neglected to show that Harry WASN'T alone in the quest. It wasn't just Dumbledore and himself in this great epic fight.

That was always the big difference between Harry and Voldemont, Harry had his loyalities and allies, true allies not minions.

However, not the point. You have all this set up and neglected that it's a battle, that it's a war between two armies, each with their leaders, but beyond that.

Then there is the biggest crime of them all. Dumbledore put Harry in a body bind curse or something making it PHYSICALLY impossible for Harry to be able to interferr in Draco and Snape eventually killing him.
He was there and bore witness to it all, but couldn't do anything until Dumbledore was dead because that is how the spell was broken, and then Snape ran. He ran and took the rest of the Death Eaters with him.
In the movie, he was just there and saw it all and could move and could stop it, but didn't and he calls Snape the coward?
They are cowardly moves, especially when Harry's anger is one of the biggest plot points. He is an angry, angry guy. It's annoying at some points, but it is a constant plot point and it is one of the main reasons I don't like him. Well, that and he misdirects his anger and completely undervalues everyone around him which I just can't stand for.
It goes back to my points about Hermione.

So there we have it, they turned a book that was all set up in to a movie that was all about set up except they missed a large portions of the things that were meant to be set up.

There is a literacy device called Chekhov's Gun (""If you say in the first chapter that there is a rifle hanging on the wall, in the second or third chapter it absolutely must go off. If it's not going to be fired, it shouldn't be hanging there." )
The beauty of books is that everything is there for a reason because everything that is written is in the control of the author. If something on the wall is mentioned, it is mentioned for a specific reason to be recalled at any point or to add a layer of depth to a character. It doesn't exist for any other reason.
In a series of Seven books?
Everything is going to come to a climax of the previous 6 books, the movies can't cover everything and things need to suffer.

And thus, the travesties of the Harry Potter movies exist.
It's a shame too.

I can't seperate the two in my mind either. Often I can do that, but nope, not in this case.

Why, why?

Oh well...

Tomorrow is a new day, and a new book...
Or a new rant...

Maybe combine the two.


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