Ever wonder what happened to my weekend...

I hate titles... and character names...
Seriously, hate them.

It's the real reason why I could never be a writer... yeah, that's it.

Though, let me get real with you for a little bit.

Ok, I won't, because I'm not that much of a tool.

I think I've mentioned this before, but for some reason I have this dream to be big on the internet. That's right, I want to be a meme dammit!
I'm not sure I even know why, because these rants aren't really interesting, enlightening or that amusing to anyone that isn't me.
So that is my big internet dream.

It's dream, I'm way too lazy to actually do anything other than you know make my friends read this. You guys do read when I link you, right? RIGHT? RIGHT?!?!?!

Anyway, that isn't really why I was writing, it was just a tangent.

It is currently 12.51am, what have I done since I got home yesterday from work, not including sleep was watching this youtube channel. It is fricken hilarious.
Tomorrow all my "your mum" jokes are going to be because of that, as well be all the incidents of finger guns and winking. Seriously, this is my warning. You guys should check out my blog and you'd know all about it.

Yes, I watched all 178 videos and just hilarious.
It all started when I clicked onto YouTube, it might have been because I'm looking for a new Reel Big Fish friend now that Chris is leaving me to go to Texas. (What the hell Chris? Pfft...)
Just to encourage people to become my new Reel Big Fish friend I shall include some clips of theirs from YouTube, admire their awesomeness.
A Live Clip... SR Though, that isn't their normal Trumpeter which makes me a little sad.
A Cover... Take on Me
What I always thought was their big hit... The Set Up
Their ACTUAL big hit... Sell Out
And one of my favourites... Where Have You Been This one is a live version, because I prefer the live version, coz it has the horn section and that is just fricken ace, bro.

Man, I'm totally getting good with the pimpin' stuff on my blog. Shit yeah man, I'm on fire!

Oh, right... Anyway, so I was looking at something on YouTube, I don't know, I'm sure it was super important at the time.
And then I found this video...
And man, it was gold. Pure gold and then I'm like, MUST. WATCH. MORE.
Umm.. so I did.
One of my other favourites is this one

So that was my weekend.
Hangin' out on YouTube.

Though, from watching that, I realise I want more nerdy shirts.
I guess not all of them have to be nerdy, like this one . IF that's not Elyse in a shirt, I don't know what is.

Well, I guess, Photobucketthis is Elyse in a shirt.

That actually took an embarrassingly long time to find.
Then again, most of the photos on here have been taken in winter, so I haven't been just in a shirt.
So man, I just used my photo bucket account.
The entire I reason have a photobucket account is so I can upload and link photos like this for my Buffy Forum. Which features some quality motivators that I made, I have lots. This one was for the challenge about using Buffy titles. PhotobucketEnjoy!
As I expose my tender geeky underbelly to my non-Buffy peeps.

I was going to do a post full of some other links that I enjoy, but I think I got a little carried away, so I guess that is for another day.

'til next time...


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