I'll Never Tell...

Titles and names are the two weakest points of my ability as a writer.

Not that I am a great writer by any means, but I am really incapable of thinking up names and titles. When we used to have to do the creative writing part of English exams and have to write whatever the thing was, I'd try to either use first and second person or just look around the room and go on weird associations in my mind to get to names.

What that has to do with anything?

Well, I hate making up titles of blogs. I am just bad at it.

I'll Never Tell is the current song I'm listening. Yes, it is the Once More with Feeling Soundtrack and yes, it IS awesome. Thanks for asking.

So, I'm sure everyone here is thinking, "Why am I reading this again?" "Wow, Elyse, she is super insightful" or "What the fuck you mother fucker! YOU LIED! YOU SAID YOU'D NEVER WRITE AGAIN! How can we trust you again, you fucking motherfucker fucker!"

It might not have involved that much swearing, but I saw [Title of Show] last week and it features lots of swearing. The listening to the original cast recording hasn't helped with my swearing either. 

That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.

So yes, yes I did say that I wasn't going to write in here again and for a brief second that was an accurate statement.
I had planned to not write in here ever again.
However, I am not in the  same place as I was last week. I'd go into that more, but you know, that is not a conversation for the blog.
If you'd like to have that conversation. I have never been a particularly hard person to find.
Just saying.

You know, I can't even work out who that is really directed to but I'm sure I'm going to get in trouble for it.

So, I'm back.
I'll come and go, but absolute statements are foolish to make and I try and avoid them as a rule, it just ends badly.

In honour of my glorious return to the blogger realm, I present this clip.
Listen to it. It's good.


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