May Day! MAY DAY!

Today is May Day...

Well, ok, it is now 2.57am on the 2nd of May, so technically it's not, but I did plan to write something today and then got sidetracked by my guitar, the Brady Bunch Movie, dinner in the city (The Ribs were not that good, nor was I actually in the City since it was Newtown but that's a different thing) and the hanging out with people because I bribed them with waffles.

Yes, i will bribe you with food if you hang out with me.
Sometimes, I won't even cook it myself.

Ok, I'll cook for you as well.
You like French Toast, right?
My French Toast is awesome. Just ask McFly.
If I mention McFly enough, I figure she'll either comment, beat me up or make her own blog.
I'm hoping it's option number 3, but have a feeling it will actually be number 2.

Which reminds me, McFly... If you are reading this I need to talk to you about some kind of video. Seriously, you need to call me.

umm... that got a little weird.


May Day! No, I just wanted to use that as a title, nothing too dramatic happening for me. Same old regular drama.

But that  brings me to the point of my blog!
What is it with me and really dramatic people?

I have a whole bunch of friends that I can't actually tell them what I think I should tell them because they'll react so badly. Seriously, what is with that?
If you are reading this, yes, totally referring to you.

Yes, that is applicable to EVERYONE reading this.

Ok, that is clearly a lie, you people need to get over yourselves. Not everything is about you.

That being said, if I find you dramatic and likely to make a big deal about anything I say, I'm not actually going to admit it's about you.
Yes, I can be that person. Just because I'm not normally, doesn't mean I can't be.

Now, I'll tell you the story of my week.
I started on Monday with lunch with my school friends... One is a lawyer, the other is a forensic scientist. Yeah, we discussed murder at length.
It's interesting.
The things that I know. The things that I know.

Thing is with my school friends, they are the only two I deal with because that's just how it is.
It's funny that one of them I wasn't even friends with through most of high school. There was much hate and tension and incidents that lead to Elyse getting into a lot of trouble at school, but we got over that. Not really the point, I do like to keep that information on the downlow... So my bad!

This lunch has put a whole bunch of things in prespective.

One of these friends has a massive flair for the dramatic. Everything is very dramatic, and knowing what I know, not made up. It could be, but  I think she learnt her lesson from that during High School with the grandest most epic fight EVER.
It was retreat, in front of a window and so we were all watching and then had to pretend not to be. Very funny.

That was not the point of the story, but flair for the dramatic and my job is merely to insert sarcastic and smartarse commentaries.

Then I realised something.
I do that a lot.

A lot of people I know are super, super dramatic and everything is just drama. They tell me, and I just had sarcastic commentary.
I'm not sure if I meant to but come on, if you are coming to me for the drama, then you are getting my sarcastic commentary or some kind of commentary.

Depending what it is of course, I do have some ethics.

So, yeah, after lunch with my little bit dramatic peeps.
She realised at some point that it was the case, so plays it up a little bit. Making it all that much hilarious.
Self aware dramatics.. .HILARIOUS!

The non-self aware dramatics?
Yeah... not so awesome.

I can normally do a really good job of not over-thinking the dramatic and just taking most things as they come, but oh em gee.
I've just thought about things way too much recently.
And just no, it's just annoying me a lot.

I'm currently annoyed. Maybe pissed off...
I'm not sure if this is a good thing or not, but it's been a while since I've been really pissed off.
I mean like this year, this year has done a whole bunch of stuff with the anger.

I don't know know.
I have friend who always was very keen on me defending myself, since I'm very bad at doing so.
I have no problem taking the blame.

So, I think they'll be very excited that I do have a nice defense happening.
I have a defense, though, at this point in time I don't see the point in using it and it's not worth it.
I'm not saying that I'm right, I'm just not going to take the blame.
There is a difference.

However, some battles are not worth fighting and that's where I currently stand.
I have drama. That surrounds me.

I'm constantly surrounded by drama. It very rarely is a direct result of my actions.

I'm gonna get in trouble for this and I'm gonna regret it.

But loyal readers... Drama?
Not fucking worth it.

So, in a nutshell here are my life philosophies:
-Never fuck around with someone who will be serving you food. Never be rude to a waiter or piss off the person in the kitchen. They will fuck you up in ways that you can't even imagine.
- Nothing exists in a vacuum. NOTHING. Things that you think are just involved with you or with another person, never remain that way.  People get hurt in all kinds of way.
Yeah, watching you screw up your life because you've decided to drink too much, smoke too much and do too many drugs?
Yeah, that isn't just about you. That is about the people that watch you do it and the people that bail you out when the hole gets too deep... And you don't even fucking see it or have to deal with the consequences.
The Vortex of Pain spins whether you consent or not.

I'm a little bitter about that last one, it's also something I should know better.

The thing with the drama in life, you can't really stop it.
If people who like the drama want it, they'll create it, you sit them down and go "woah man, lay off it a little bit", you just become a character in it.
A pawn that can be created to feel the needs that are required.

Essentially, that's all we are. Just characters in someone else's play.
The traits are all their in the mind and anything just fits that.
Things that change the traits are things that the blow the mind.
I thought I knew some people and then suddenly, no, I really didn't and it's all changed.
Motives change.

I never knew where I stood, so I like to disassociate. I've gotten very good at it.
They just became characters in my head. I am the puppet master.
My puppets never did dance very well.

I am going to regret this. It will get me in trouble and the world as I know it will cease to be.
Well... Truth be told... I'm lying.
I don't know what this will do. It's out there.

I can't stop that.
Well, I can, but I won't.
These things aren't going away, just gotta learn to deal.

And sorry, but that's just how I roll...


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