Unfriending- What's up with that?

I'm sure we are all familiar with the term "unfriending", well you should be, it was the Oxford word of the year last year and I believe we all know how I feel about the good people at Oxford.
That wasn't sarcasm, it is good things. All good things.

In the world of online social networking you get the list happening of friends, relatives, acquaintances, co-workers, former enemies, current enemies or those people who are friends of friends who were suggested. I'm not going to lie I have some people on my friend list who I have no idea who they are, I KIND of know who they are, but you know, they know other people so whatever...

I don't actually have a selection policy or a criteria, the only thing that I do with Facebook is that I generally don't add other people. Yep, they've got to add me. Some people I'm curious to know what it is.
So this is my policy, someone requests to be my facebook friend, I'm accepting that because that's just how I roll.

That is my selection for adding people, but what about my selection for deleting people?
Yeah. I don't have one of those policies. Every now and then I think about going through my list and get rid of the people that I don't actually know or have never really conversed with or the people I just don't give a fuck about.

I never do, because I'm lazy, but I've thought about it.

Then it comes to, what happens when you are defriended?
And this is the situation I've found myself in in recent times.
Not just as one of those people that fit my three options or maybe I am in that third option and I don't even know about it.

During the week I was defriended by one of my friends who I see and converse with A LOT and I found out that I was no longer facebook friends with them because of some weird facebook glitch where I had to add someone else and it was all like "Do you want to add ?" and I figured it was a glitch and clicked the add as matey.
I'm not curious and keeping an eye on it. Still hasn't been accepted. 

It's interesting.

It only got interesting when their significant other also unfriended me. The significant other has a very strict friend control policy, but even that, I have a lot to do with them both so on what grounds for the unfriending?

I'm all for the unfriending for the people that are just a number on a list. But now I have no idea where I stand with these people.
Is it a clear message that I am meant to be receiving? Because I don't do well with subtlities, and if they don't know that than maybe I should be in the realm of listing them not only as my friends but in a somewhat inner circle.

The unfriending does send a clear message. I don't think it's even a fuck you, because a fuck you and message of hatred requires some passion and force behind it. It is the storming out and slamming the door. It is sending the message that yeah, you should be taking this unfriending as a personal affront because you are a horrible person and horrible friend.

No, the unfriending without acknowledging is a I just don't care. That is the just not showing up and the standing up. Or the whole "Yeah, we SHOULD do that" and it never happens.

As my life is lead by the monologue from passion. Yeah, without passion we would be truly dead.
Yeah, that friendship is dead.
May I let it rest in peace.


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