Glee- What's up with that?

One of the current massive shows hitting the Australian airwaves is Glee.

You know it's massive, because it is only one week behind the States and oh em gee, they promo the fuck out of it!
Now, I watch an embarrassingly lack of TV. It brings me shame the amount of TV I don't watch. Television pays me, I should watch it more.

The very little television I watch is a result of walking through a room and the TV is on.
My mum is loving the Masterchef, which is funny because it is so overdramatic. I just saw a group on facebook with the caption "More Cooking, Less Sooking", though my favourite was "Less crying, more frying". 
That's not the point.

So last night, I was watching TV while eating my dinner and mocking the melodrama that is Masterchef. One of those contestants was a cop! A COP! And she had this breakdown in one of the challenges. What's with that?
Harden up, princess.

Then I started to watch Glee and saw something awesome in the credits... IDINA MENZEL! WAS IN GLEE!!
Idina Menzel!
If you do not know who that is, get out of my blog. Just get out...
Ok, I'll play nice. Idina Menzel is the original Broadway Maureen from Rent (So thus, plays Maureen in the movie) and is also the original Elaphba from Wicked... So on a show... Where they sing?

She didn't sing. That made me sad.
But I watched Glee.

The entire episode.

It's interesting.
I saw the pilot and this was like the second season or something, I don't really follow.

I watched and then the singing started.
I'm a musical fan, randomly singing doesn't bother me at all.
Though, Glee it isn't just random singing... It's in-show singing. Part of the context.
With apparently the most awesome band ever, who just happen to know all these songs all the time.
Yeah, I did think that when I watched it.
Especially when the teacher is all "Play anything, the band knows it!" So, that amused me. That is not a direct quote, I am clearly making it up.

Now, so we get the singing.
And Oh Em Gee...

What the hell is with the singing?

Now before someone is all like "There singing is awesome. You don't know what you are talking about".
I preemptively say shut up.
I do know what I'm talking about because I have both muso cred and musical nerd cred and well, shut up, this is my blog.

I don't have a problem with the actual singing but it is just so processed!
You can tell that they are lip syncing... badly.
Well, it's in time, it's just really obvious that it isn't live.

This leads me to a rant about live music and processing and how CDs have destroyed expectations about the live music experience, but that's for another blog.
It sounds exciting doesn't it?
Remember, I'm a 1/6th of  a Sound Engineer.

The musical numbers are good, but I still think the thing that would make it better is if Idina Menzel sang.
Though, plot wise I am expecting something horrible to happen to Rachel, I'm also predicting it is revealed that Rachel is the secret lovechild of Idina Menzel's character (I don't know her name due to the squee-ing. Yes, I am totally a Idina Menzel fangirl)
Because really... Those two, look exactly the same.
I stole photos and everything!

<----- Idina

                    Lea Michelle --->

See what I'm saying.
I would completely buy that.
I'm buying it now without it even being  in existence!

I think I should have found photos that imply it better, but still...
Totally needs to happen.

I had one of the songs from Glee in my head all day and then it came on the radio. That radio was cursed today. We'd talk about songs and then they'd play.

Thus, we were talking about Glee.
Glee was created by the same dude that created Popular, an awesome, awesome so underrated series from the late 90s/early 00s. Fricken awesome show.
Which gives the show a massive head start with me, because I did love that show.

That being said, super quotable. That's a plus.

At this stage, I'll remain a geek and the L will be because of my loser status.
So, this writer is not a Gleek.

The "This writer" was for my own amusement and to emphasis the loser status, but oh well...

Glee... That's what is up with that.

That is not a good tag line.


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