Yes, you're right... Fuck your life.

I have some love for the FML website...
Oh, you didn't know it was a website?

Well, it is.
It is a website where people write in short stories of which the only response can be "Fuck my life" or in the more work appropriate environment "FML". Just for the record, I clearly am not a work appropriate environment.
Except maybe my work...

That's not the point, so I love the FML website, it makes me laugh heartily sometimes. I prefer the ones where the person who wrote it so totally deserved the outcome.
Yeah, this makes me a horrible person, but you know what, so are so many other people.
This is why they get submitted so some random person on the other side of the world can laugh at their misfortune.

I've written about this before... I just would need to find it and I have capped internet. FML.

Anyway, then suddenly the FML phenomena left the confines of the website and suddenly people put it in their Facebook status... And then the ultimate disgrace. Say it in real life.
I have this thing against people who say internet acronyms in the real world. You know those people who "lol"... you know we have a thing for that in the real life. It's called laughing... OUT LOUD, you motherfucker.
Sorry, I do have anger about this.
Those people need to be slapped and then people should lol about it... by laughing out loud.

So, FML... I heard people use it on the train, Miss Addict (enjoy your shameless plug! And I got the link right first go... Take that! ) also heard it used and tweeted it.

It is not something that I can stand for.
Especially with some of the things that people FML at.

"Today, I had an exam. FML." You want to get an education, these things require exams. You don't want exams, drop out of uni and get a job. "Today, my boss wanted me to actually work. FML",

These people need to harden up, princesses. These are not things that require your life being fucked.
I had 6 exams in three days at the end of last semester. Did I make a Facebook status about it?
Did I say FML about it at all?
No, I accepted that as part of the insanity that is my degree, that I get crazy shit like 6 exams in three days. I sucked it up, did my fucking exams and moved on my life.
Was it hard?
You bet, but whinging is not going to change a thing.

I understand that right now I'm bitching about it, so I am aware of the hyprociy, so it makes me feel better.

But this brings me to my point.
I've decided to fight back and each time that I read on someone's Facebook FML, I will then create a scenario that is so much epically worse, that you will appriecate the challenge that life has thrown at you, over come it and go, no life... FUCK YOU.

So, that is my pledge. That being said, I have some standards, somethings I simply can not be a smartarse about. I have examples, but don't really want to use them. 
As a ranter, if it happens on Twitter, I'll direct you here.

In honour of what I have dubbed the "KT System" since I've done it more than once in her Facebook statuses. Statuii?

Today. Today, I fight back. Take THAT, internet!


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