
It came to the realisation a little while ago, when I got sent one of those emails that are all "You know you are old when... "

And it occured to me, just how many people I know that are teachers.
No, not just studying to be teachers, but actual "why did they put you in front of a classroom because it didn't seem that long ago when you were 12".

Ok, that last part is a lie.
But if really hit home when I was in the car with one of my friends and we were talking about her classes, ok, it was more specifically how bad at writing her class was. Then it was like, dude, when did this happen?

I remember when you made fun of my for a year because our first conversation involved me swearing at you. It was a year later that she apologised because it was in fact, the SECOND question of the sharegroup, that I swore in.
The person who I rightfully declare stranger than me, but alas, in charge of corrupting the minds.

I don't remember how I old I was, but it was the point where I had more friends that were teachers then students and it was like, dude, I am old.
That being said, the stories of teachers are much more hilarious than students.

But that is just a bit of pretense for what this is about.
On Twitter I follow 1000 Awesome things and I love it, because of things like number 974 on the list.

High Tens.
And when thinking about it, it's like, yeah, High Tens ARE awesome!
The thing that makes it truly art, is this description:

First off, higher chance of looking stupid: You throw a high five up there and no one answers it, no problem. You just put your hand nonchalantly back in your pocket, scratch your head, or swipe it through the side of your hair, Fonzie-style. No one notices you covered it up and all is well. But you throw a high ten up there and you get left hanging? Well now you just look foolish — like you’re trying to get the wave started at your kid’s T-ball game or just airing out your pits.
I'm a big fan of the high five.
Love it!
I have one friend who I like high five all the time in conversation, Ok, it's McFly... Who we need to peer pressure into getting a blog so I can talk about her and shamelessly promote the blog. Come on bro, you know you want in on some of that action.

Now, McFly, loves to deny my high five action when she doesn't agree with the call. Yes, I have stood there with my hand out there waiting as she death stared my raised hand.
That happens surprisingly often...
I don't think that it helps that I go in knowing my high five won't be met with the high five action.

But the High Ten...

It is awesome! Because it is a much more satisying result.
The clap at the end?
Yeah, that is we just did something awesome and we need to celebrate.

Now, I can talk about the stuff in the book of awesome all the time, because it is a list of things that ARE awesome, but when you think of awesome things, they aren't the first thing that come to mind.

Yeah, I love a high ten moment, but it's not going to be something that when someone goes to me "Think of some awesome things in your life".

It's not on that list.
Then again, I got nothing for that list.
But it's not the point.

So, I was hanging on Twitter, as I so often do when I'm at work and umm... working hard.
For the record, I make a lot of dubs of stuff, so I generally have a dub on while I'm doing stuff at my desk so I'm able to multi task with the being on the internet.
You leave my justification out of this!

When I read today's awesome thing. That Teacher.

Nothing make me tears up more like inspiriational stories.
When I was in New York, I went to some sporting museum thing near Wall St... It might have been on Wall St.
They had a montage of something about how sporting teams bring people together and communities together. Something about the NFL team in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, as well as something about the wives of soliders in Iraq playing some kind of sport.
It was a montage! ABOUT BRINGING PEOPLE TOGETHER! Through sports!

It was then I discovered that I can't watch that stuff without tearing up.
It was inspirational! Montage!

Yeah, I'm pretty sure you can get me the most ridiculous montage and put some slow inspiring music with some interviews about how together people are and I'd lose it a little bit.

I get that feeling a lot when I read the Awesome thing, but the teacher thing was awesome because it had the email from the teacher going "hey, I think I taught you" and dude, that shit is awesome.

The everlasting memory I'll have of teachers is of my yr 11 and 12 English teacher, who made despise English in new and exciting ways.
I walked out of school convinced I could not write and that whatever I wrote was terrible, I still often think that but I've come to the conclusion, it's not actually true.
I think it came to the point when my boss asked me to write something for the show and I said "but I can't write, why would you get me to do that?" and he just said "who told you you couldn't write?"
And the answer is, I'm not sure, but it's a belief I picked up somewhere along the way and it's only been a recent thing where I've tried to break it.
It was pretty much last week where I realised just how wrong I was when it occured to me, I've never failed an assignment, I have a degree and I've never failed an assignment. I've also never proofread an assignment. As soon as I've finished writing, I print and hand out. The only times I've editted where on group assignments where I called the role of editor and even that, it was never my own work.
So I must do ok for that not to happen.

I have thought about school too much recently and I'm not entirely sure what.
I think it's that next week I'm going to dinner with my two school friends and it's weird.
The are the only two people I see that I went to school with and I see them every 3 to 6 months and it's also generally the three of us. Only thing is those two are total besties.
They know EVERY thing about each other's lives and I'm just there with my witty repoirte and sarcastic commentaries about the drama. My life has no direct drama, I just get caught in the peripheries of it.
That being said, I stopped organising stuff with them a long time ago and it's nice to know that even when things don't really fit and it won't be the same, that every now and then I get a message saying "let's go get dead cow" and it always features dead cow, just for me.
So, I'm conflicted with it.

I feel very odd discussing school stuff since it was so long ago, but I'm sure I'll get over it.

I'm not sure how tangent filled this was, for me, fairly light on.
Good times.


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