Helping out my Googlers 2- This Time It's Personal

I've been keeping my eye out on my visitors to the site to a handy feature on Google and the best thing about this is let's me know how people get to my site and some people stumble on here from Google.

I think this also means I should give a shout to all those people who have stumbled here, without me making you. You people are super awesome. Especially the Dutch person

Yes, it is my favourite segment EVER! As it first appeared here.

Google has lead you here, and now I will answer your questions.

1. Buffy Lore.

Yes, I know a lot about that.
I can answer most questions, since Buffy Lore is my most searched option, which totally awesome.
You should ask more specific questions.

But I'll go with the obvious.

In every generation there is a Chosen One. She alone will stand against
the vampires, the demons and the forces of darkness. She is the Slayer.

She was Buffy, a mighty warrior forged in the heat of battle, her courage will save the world. A lot.

But Buffy, she was different, she had a soul now. Ok, she always had a soul, that was just my own little joke.
Anyway, she didn't fight the vampirtes, the demons and the forces of darkness alone. She had a motley crew of people behind her, who basically kept her alive and what made her different from the other slayers of the vampyres.

Thus, we have Buffy.
It's awesome, you should all love it. Buffy. Woo.

2. Elyse evers.
Do I ever what?

Ramble? Yes.
Rant? Yes.
Shut up? Only when I'm asleep and that's only some times.

3. Elyse rambling passion.

Why yes, this Elyse does have a passion for rambling. Thanks for noticing.

4. James Marsters.

He played Spike on Buffy. I hate Spike, I don't hate James Marsters.

5. Literal Songs.
Do people search for this a lot because pretty sure I answered this one last time.
So, I'll just pimp my link again.

6. Prayer of St Francis of Assisi Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Well, let us first start off with St Francis of Assisi.
St Francis of Assisi is the patron saint of animals, the environment and Italy, he started an order of priests who are the friars.

The prayer is attributed to him, but very doubtful he actually wrote it since it can only be traced back to 1912 with a version in French, when the dude was Italian.

Either way, here's the actual prayer:

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace;
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon:
where there is doubt, faith ;
where there is despair, hope
where there is darkness, light
where there is sadness, joy
O divine Master,
grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
to be understood, as to understand;
to be loved, as to love;
for it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life.


Now, what does that have to do with Buffy the Vampire Slayer?
Sarah McLachlan, oh, Sarah McLachlan, who breaks my heart into tiny, tiny pieces.

She has a version of this, sung... Obviously.
It is used at the end of Grave, the finale of Season 6.
After Xander talks down Willow and Willow breaks down in his arms, cue Sarah McLachlan with Prayer of St Francis.

It was trying to create the pure heartbreak that Sarah McLachlan is instrumental in playing Becoming Part 2. Oh... That is why it directed it there. I've written that rant before.

Sarah McLachlan, why? Just why?

7. What happened to my weekend?

That's a good question.
Did you look behind the couch?

Or did you weekend go up in a haze of alcohol fuelled Buffy Marathon? Coz not a bad way to spend weekend.

Things that tend to happen to me: Oh! YouTube video... Oh! Related links... 12 hours later... OOOHHH!! RELATED LINKS!

"hey, we should hang out" - 24 hours of random conversation, threats of violence and the funnier conversation happening while sober.

Co-op tetris.

But googler, I can only hope you can find your weekend and that my tips and tricks have helped.

'til next time Googlers, you keep on googling.



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