Stalking on the internet... What's up with that?

One of my favourite internet stories is the reason why I have protected tweets on Twitter.

Yeah, that's right, to stalk me on the internet, you've got to request it.
Suck it bitches!

Unless, you come here, where I have no idea who you are.

The internet, it was always about protecting the identity and don't give out credit card numbers or anything like that. I don't really remember, so here, have my credit card number. It's 8699498922 41918.

In case, for some reason you don't realise, that is not my credit card number. Also, IF it was, you actually need more information than that to be able to use it.

So, apologies who for those who were going to attempt some credit card fraud.

I'm all for the internet privacy thing and not getting a whole stalker thing happening, because if you actually sat through my Spike rant, you would have realised that one of the biggest issues I have with him is I find his stalking really, really creepy and he should have been staked on that factor alone.

But this is internet stalking, internet stalking isn't standing outside someone's window hoping to catch a glimpse of them or just watching them sleep or whatever stalkers do.
The internet stalking is completely different.

Look at Facebook, so many people have open profiles. You can learn a whole bunch about people's lives.
From photos, from status updates, from comments on walls, to their captain's plank information... I use Pirate Facebook, I don't know what the equivalent is on the normal version.

I've found out that a whole bunch of people I went to school with have gotten married recently, and from that just how many of the people I went to school with still hang out together. Which, I mainly just find odd, but maybe that's because I have nothing to do with my school friends except for the occasional facebook stalk but that's a different story.

These are people that I'm pretty sure if I saw in the street, I wouldn't talk to. There may be that look of recognition and then keep on walking because I don't want to talk to those people. I hate small talk, really hate it and am super bad at it. Oh, the stories I have about that.

But, I give these people some kind of permission into my life. My photos are open to my friends on Facebook. My friends on Facebook are not my friends in real life.
They can look at my photos and see an album full of weird things and not understand the in joke behind it and just how that list was built and how I wasn't involved, nor allowed to see it until it was read out to me upon my farewell.

The reason it got finished is because it was declared impossible and I accepted that challenge.

So, we have facebook.
And there's twitter.

I use my Twitter a lot.
Some of my friends use Twitter.
We communicate on Twitter... a lot...
They quote me on there, even more.

You know, I do have a Facebook group entitled "The Elyse List" dedicated purely for the random stuff I have been known to say, so I think if you are fan of my random statements, you need to join it.
I was going to link, but Facebook is being weird, so from the boards over there are some of the classics:

*Its not medical attention if your copping a feel
*I expect this would be what i was like if i was drunk
*When I am ruler of the world, you will regret this list.

The List was developed at uni, before Twitter when young Christopher realised I say some hilarious stuff.

Just for the record, the "It's not Medical attention, if you're copping a feel" was actually being said while I was receiving medical attention.

Anyway, that's just some shameless self promotion.

I have this blog as well, and it started off very different to what it is now.
I don't know, but I like having this little place on the internet where I can kind of write and not have any expectations of what is being written or whether it mattered that it didn't fit in what is the "normal".
Then those expectations came, they came from me.

I can pin point when the Twitter expectations came and I realised, wait, shit people read this, and not just the people that I don't mind read some of the things and realised that, I'd no longer be able that person. Or at least the person that I enjoy pretending to be, because then Twitter, all of a sudden it was different. Like Facebook, it then became different.

I joined Facebook, because my Forum people decided to make a Facebook group, I don't remember why.
I think so some things that could be discussed in depth without getting moderators sent to attack.
Then the people, who I don't talk about and don't really care about came along. And it was different.

I guess it's just the nature of change.
I don't care much for it.

I'm worried about how many things are going to change in the aftermath of the last couple of weeks.
I'm pretty sure some of them I actually have a say in it.

Who am I kidding?
I won't have a say in it.
I let myself be powerless and why would this time be any different?

Nothing lasts forever.


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