But what about Firefly?

For regulars or anyone that has ever talked to me, I'm a massive Buffy fan.

I'm the go to Buffy knowledge person, I can tell you many things, many, many things. I'm a pretty big Angel fan as well.

My opinion changes frequently on which one I prefer, and it depends of timing. The biggest advantage of Angel is that features Cordy and doesn't feature Spike. Please refer to my previous posts about my feelings on Spike (or recapped "What the fuck? Seriously?").

So, I laugh at anyone that dear question my Buffy cred, but then we get to Firefly.

Apparently Firefly is the go to thing. I've gotten into many arguments about Firefly and my dislike of it. Yeah, that's right, I do not like Firefly.
Try and convince me that it's the greatest thing ever and I say you're fucked and hate it a little bit more.

This never became more apparent that one day when I was at the Friday night LAN night I go to every now and then, and there was a new dude who went to uni with one of the regulars. But new dude, new dude was a Fanboy and as a result of that conversation next time I saw New Dude he is all like "so there's the Firefly hater".
New Dude, fuck you, and take my pamphelet of my new campaign for world peace and stop being a douche.

Not only did New Dude not respect my dislike of Firefly but this somehow took away from my nerd cred and was all like "You'd be destroyed if you met (someone whose name I don't remember)".
Once again, fuck you.

Yes, I don't like Firefly and it went for 14 episodes and was canceled with 4 of those episodes not going to air, so, I'm not the only person that didn't like it.

But my main issue with Firefly is the fucking fanboys like New Dude mentioned above. Seriously? That is what is taking away from my Nerd Cred. I've seen every episode and know enough about it to get by, I own the DVD and have spread the DVD love around and that's not counting everything else?
Yeah, well, whatever.

The Fanboys that insistent it is the greatest piece of Television ever, guess what guys. It's not.
14 episodes. They are not good odds, though, if you manage to truly fuck up in 14 episodes then wow, no words for that.
I've gotten into the conversation many times "how can you call yourself a Joss Whedon fan if you don't like Firefly?"

Well, for starters, I don't.
That guy is a douche. All his fanboys are douches.

I point to Season 6 and 7 of Buffy as this, Season 6 in particular.
Season is considered by the Buffy fans I speak to as a whole bunch of crap. The particular issues- The lack of commitment into Willow going from the power of magic corrupting to a drug metaphor (the change happens in Smashed) which provides a nice little cop out for the evil of Willow, the inconsistency of Spike (evil/Best.Boyfriend.Ever/Buffy's confidante/whatever) resulting in the almost rape in Seeing Red, Giles shodding reason for leaving and then the adding of Amber Benson being added to the credits upon the episode which Tara is murdered. I think the Spike getting a soul also a major issue.

The killing Tara created lots of fan backlash, especially from the gay and lesbian community who loved them some Tara and Willow action, in especially the way she died and then Willow tries to kill the world, which fits into some kind of stereotype of dead/evil lesbians. I'm not sure about that so Enjoy this link about some of that Backlash... It's interesting.

Anyway, these things are not apparently the responsibility of Joss Whedon, oh no, these developments are at the fault of Marti Noxon, who was a writer on the show since season 2 but became the showrunner and executive producer is Season 6.
Yes, all these developments are her fault.
Which, bullshit. Joss would of had to sign off on them and most of the developments are heavily featured if not start in episode of Season 6 that Joss Whedon wrote- Once More with Feeling.

So, I call bullshit.
And Fuck you Joss Whedon, he is not my master.

But back to Firefly.
The problem with Firefly is that it starts off with 9 cast members. So, there are 9 main characters that are all introduced at the same time and as a result some characters are going to be mariginalised.
Shepard Book is my prime example of this, mainly, what the fuck is the deal with Shepard Book?
And don't give me this "They are making a comic about Shepard Book that will be released soon" because that is a cop out. It's been 6 years it ended and they had a movie and what happened?
They killed him in a scene that was completely just to propell Captain Mal into Reaver territory and that's not the fact that in the scene prior to that Captain Mal coming to Book for some kind of advice or whatever, which never fit into what happened in the series.

Plus, I don't think there was a scene in Serenity (the movie, not the episode) with Jayne and Book, who tended to do a lot of stuff together in the series.

The things of the movie and series are annoying.
The movie sucked, but then again, I hate River.
Especially the end that since River is no longer crazy she is just fucking awesome at everything. Fuck you, River.

Don't get me wrong, I like the cast. I think the cast is awesome and makes up for the lack of incoherent plot or at least things that don't make sense for a series that takes place in space.

Basically, I don't like it and many of the things just do not make sense.

I haven't watched it enough to be able to go through and make detailed lists of why I don't like Firefly.

But it's the fanboys who tell me it is the greatest thing ever that piss me off the most and convinced me for a long time to never give it a chance.

And for the love of god, Shut up, River!


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