PASSIVE AGGRESSIVEness- what's up with that?

Yeah, I'm a blog about passive aggressiveness.

This is largely in response to the massively passive aggressive blog I wrote last week, I've been meaning to write it for a while but I've been lazy and had a small amount of writer's blog.

I actually made some vlogs to make up for it and then got really self conscious about them and didn't post them. Even though I spent the hour uploading them to the internet.
So, sorry guys, you are gonna have to wait til I think I'm bullet proof for me to post them.

I think they both feature singing, which is a horrible, horrible thing and yeah, that is the main thing I'm self conscious about so, alas, until I'm feeling bulletproof they are staying in the vault.

 I feel sorry for the person that gets stuck going through my computer.

Anyway! Passive aggressiveness!
My main act of passive aggressiveness has to be the fact I wrote the long detailed blog about unfriending completely aimed at someone who I know reads this. Part of me was curious to see if they'd respond or even bring it up.
If you were curious, no, no they didn't.
Did I bring it up and force a conversation about it? Yes.

One of the many reasons why it sucks to be friends with me.

But alas, I think it's all sorted, if it's not, I'm never going to be told about it, so we all move on.

Yeah, that too was a pointed comment since the person that it is aimed at reads this.

So, passive aggressiveness!

In some ways I think I'm really bad at the passive aggressive games, but that's ok, because I have people to write my passive aggressive emails on my behalf and in return I provide witty commentary and shout outs on my blog of various subtleties.

You'll have to forgive me, I started writing and then stopped at this point and don't remember what I really wanted to talk about.

The passive aggressive things I find most annoying are the Facebook status comments. Yes, we get it, you are pissed at someone, grow up and talk to that person. Don't constantly write annoying vague Facebook status.
If you feel a need to do this so often, get a fucking Twitter account, so I don't have to read your bullshit!

Ok, I think I might be confused about what it is to be passive aggressive... In my mind it's about being aggressive but in a passive way...
Right now I am pissed off at you, but I don't want to confront you so I'll make thinly veiled comments about you.
Where as Wiki seems to inform me it's some kind of personality trait that is a passive resistance to following through with actions in interpersonal and occupational situations.
Thus the "Yeah, I'll do it" and then not doing it.

Which, kind of kills this post for me.
So, I'm gonna stick with the being aggressive but in the not obvious way.

This doubles as sending messages in a non-direct way, which my favourite means to do will forever be there joining lots of Facebook groups with a similar theme... "I miss you so much" "Why are never online?" "I wait all night just to talk to you for a few seconds" "Why are you never by the third window facing the east so I can get the clear view of you as you sleep?"
Yeah, we get it. You are creepy stalker and now everyone on your list is praying that it's not aimed at them.

Basically, stop with the vague, repetative Facebook updates. Unless of course you are hilarious, insightful or a combination of the two.
Work sucks, people sucks. Accept it, move on or get a Twitter account.

Or you know, a blog to bitch about these people...
Clearly, the way to go.

Build  a fan base...
Bitch about fans...
Destroy a fan base.

I typed fan bass that last time.
Is it a fan for the bass? Keeping the music cool or is a fan's bass.
Why do my typos have strange questions...

I need to stop writing random stuff.

Give me external validation and comment.



I do agree with you about the Facebook comments.

I do also like the concept of "writers blog"


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